Sunday, July 5, 2020

3rd July 13th Day into the PTSD Challenge

The going is getting tough and I am looking at ways and means to make the videos creative and attractive. The challenge was thrown up to me by Peter Tan, a friend from way back when we were in our teens from the Saint Andrew's Secondary school. Peter is now a successful resteraunteer based in Perth. 

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a neurological disorder affecting anybody at all ages, and a very stressful situation is normally the trigger for it. War veterans would have a higher chance of getting affected, but people who have had a traumatic experience in their lives, that would apply to practically anybody in society, can potentially succumb to it. 

All of us would have faced a traumatic experience in our lives, most of us would be able to shake it off and put it down to a life experience but there are some who cannot easily put the past behind. Examples of trauma (this is definitely NOT exhaustive) are :

a) Loss of a parent or parents
b) Loss of a child or loved one
c) Loss of a partner or pet
d) Job retrenchment or retirement
e) Extreme humiliation or imprisonment.
f)  War
g) Accident causing impairment of limbs or senses 

The list goes on and on... 

Back to the challenge. I accepted it over 1 week ago, and I need to do 25 pushups over 25 days and post them on social media. And so I did and I am still doing so. My perseverance and commitment to a noble cause is plain to see. I do not back out so easily.   

This one is me doing at the timber decking outside my house.

The cause is a real and noble one. My 25 pushups are nothing compared to the anguish of the afflicted which is essentially a mental disorder.

It can be cured and there are 2 Government institutions which have trained professionals dedicated to help the afflicted. They are :

1. Samaritans of Singapore  (SOS) ; Tel : 1800 221 4444

2. Institute of Mental Health ;              Tel : 6389 2000 

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