Sunday, August 22, 2021

A fast run to end a rather uneventful week.

 Today's run was eventful for a variety of reasons, I was waiting with frustration for some delivery of our company's equipment, which was delayed by several weeks. As I was in a no-win situation, I decided not to dwell on the negative but rather focus on the positive for the week.

The new office renovations were dragging on. Fortunately we should be able to kickstart Phase 2 of the office renovation, put in all our equipment which were meant to be there in the first place and get on with my plan of action. All this SHOULD start and finish within the next 2 to 3 weeks. although based on experience, shit happens, and I need to find a shovel handy to clear that because no one else in the company is capable or has the means to do so.

Back to this evening's run. I decided to forgo my weekly karate session, as I am waiting for the 14 days lapse after my 2nd Sinovac vaccination before I can be certified fully vaccinated. This means, that I can afford to go out and dine at restaurants, malls, everywhere where there is covered or airconditioned dining. Such is the tough regulations meant to control the spread of the dreaded COVID 19 Delta Variant. Everyone needs to play his or her part.

I started at the Ski360 roundabout and went about at a  hard clip of 6.45 min / km. I pushed all the way, as it was a cool evening with few walkers, strollers,cyclists or other joggers. Just my perfect run environment !

At the 4 km mark, I decided to stop for a pitstop (near the Singapore Sailing Centre). After catching my breath, I continued again at roughly the same pace as the first 4 km.

At around the 7.2 km mark, I detected a twinge on my left hamstring and decided that was the end of the run. I was hoping to hit 8km but 7.2 km was acceptable, given that I was still recovering from a ITBL ligament injury which affected my mood somewhat.

The stats :

Average pace : 6 :43 min per km

Maximum pace : 5 :25 min per km

Duration : 48 mins. 15 seconds

Distance : 7.2 km.

I am enjoying the endorphine rush which comes from having partaken in a hard run to end the week, and having run fast enough to convince me that I can still run at a reasonable speed.

Carpe Diem my friends. 

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