Sunday, August 1, 2021

Finally a Return to Running - with a Knee Brace


Start of run at Pandan Reservoir 

Today's run has given me a huge boost for my mood, the past few weeks had me questioning whether I was ever going to run again, and well today, the issue was put to rest that I still have a few years of running left in me. 

The trick is to rest between runs, take proper health supplements like Glucosamine Chondroitin and MSM Sulfate tablers,Nu Skin R2 day for muscle replenishment and wear the proper 'equipment' such as my ASICS Kayano shoes which provide the maximum cushioning possible for my near third age body.

I have been blessed with nary a serious injury to my joints and that has been in part due to a stretching exercise from my karate training, plus having ample rest and not overdoing things.

Exercising of my body I am mindful of 4 key elements which time and again I need to recalibrate 

1. Endurance or Stamina
2. Strength
3. Flexibility
4. Balance.

My life saver knee brace 

 On that front I give myself, a very honest opinion out of 10 for each aspect:

1. Endurance or Stamina : 9 out of 10
2. Strength                       : 8 out of 10
3. Flexibility                      : 2 out of 10
4. Balance                        : 4 out of 10 

Overall, I am a just passable 23 out of 40 or 5.5 out of 10. 

The Day After (2nd Aug)

Definately my sleep has improved after a run. The funny thing is, that only a run brings out the best sleep in me. Not karate, nor cycling or anything else strenous. Perhaps I should give swimming a try - say like 20 laps and see what kind of after effects I get.

Seize the Day, my friends. 

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