Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Live Each Day Like its the Last Day of your Life

        Steve Jobs is credited (recently) for this. He is right. Somewhat. When you live to a certain age, you realise that the days left in your life is numbered, some less some more. But finite. I am periodically reminded that mortality impacts every single one of us. No excuses, no deferments, no bullshit. You die and end of story.

       So, lets take the mindset that we will die tomorrow. What would you do differently ? Well take me for example. I'm truly middle aged, young old (old would be 70 and above, and old old would be 90) and I am sure my perception of how 'old' is to me will change if I ever hit any of the numbers I stated above. I'm giving these 3 days some serious thought and want to change certain mindsets (its called mind sets for good reason).

       What does a 99 year old man (more likely woman) look forward to ? Her 100th birthday. Perhaps, but she needs the gift of sanity, good memory, not failing eyesight, hearing and mobile limbs. Core strength is definitely a must have. If she does not have a certain quality of life, what good is there to live for herself ?  To live for her grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren would surely give her joy but if in her weakened state, she cant even enjoy the simplest of pleasures like a walk (or a wheeled push) in the park, then its no point pushing on - regardless of age - if she can't feed, be mobile and think for herself. Agree ?

      So lets live each day like its the last day of our lives. What would my outlook be :

a) Laugh more

b) Worry Less

c) Enjoy the moment

d) Do meaningful things to me and to those around me

e) Be better than yesterday.

There it is ;  Forget status, money, fame, power, authority or fawning fans. When you are going to die the next day ; you will focus on what is important to you and your loved ones.

                                                       SEIZE THE DAY 


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