Monday, December 27, 2021

We subconciously set Roadblocks in our Children's minds - stop this if you want your child to excel and reach for the stars

Playing on top of Papa's SimCar  (1969)

Some random thoughts always get into my mind during a long run and I cannot but write them down as these may be pearls of wisdom to people who like to read my blog.

About 2 weeks ago, as I was running at East Coast Parkway and reaching the end of my 6km run, I ran past this young mother who was shepherding her young precocious daughter on a skate skooter. The little girl was merrily scootering down the empty pathway and was trying to make some little swerves at a relatively slow speed.

Her mother, who was some 10 meters behind was yelling at the top of her voice, "No Natalie, don't go too fast, dont swerve, you will fall". The obedient girl would normally follow the strict instruction and slow down - and not know her skating limit. Its the same with life. If our parents over parent us, we will never fall down face flat and discover what or how difficult life is when you hit bottom. The climb back (some may never be able to but safely 99% of us will) will make us wiser.    

Parents, let your kids grow and learn at their peril. We learn best when we fall down, take a beating, possibly cry, and realise how stupid trying that triple flip backwards or doing stupid stuff.

My childhood taught me how to take care of myself. I had numerous scrapes and near misses, I was almost blinded in 1 eye, I almost fell 2 stories and broke my back, was hit in the face by a sharp stone and bled during a neighbourhood stone fight between the Malay kampung boys and the next door Chinese boys, tried to be superman and jumped 10 steps trying to reach a water pipe and failed and ended with 6 stitches on my forehead. I was a dumb kid - but oh such a glorious childhood - carefree - and fun filled days and nights. 

If I could ever turn back time and go to a time in my life, the first 10 - 12 years of my life would be the first time period I would chose. Again and Again. 

I would never have traded those days for a million dollars or more. Those were the days of my childhood and I totally enjoyed every single minute of it. I learnt about bravery, stupidity, sticking to friends, stone can hurt, and falls can maim and kill. 

Nowadays kids play in a virtual world - blasting bad guys through all manner of weaponry - but definitely my days of games were 110 % pure adrenalin enjoyment cost was totally free.  

Parents let your children learn from their falls, their mistakes and their humiliations early in life.

They will thank you for it - when they are fully grown adults. 

Family circa 1970 

Carpe Diem. 

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