Sunday, December 19, 2021

The shallowness of people ; I am sometimes guilty of it. - Our Athletic Chamber may have helped his Success ?

The stunning success of Loh Kean Yew at the World Badminton Federation, where he has shocked many top seeds and made it to the Final tonight in Spain, has left me totally speechless. Kudos and great appreciation to this young man who fought against the odds and is one win away from a historic gold for Singapore which we have never excelled.

It also raises the questions about how fickle (me included) we are as a nation. We love winners, and never the people who Cannot Make It in the world stage. We (I am but one) love winners, and forget totally about the Also Rans. We never ever give appreciation and regard to 

a) appreciating the years of backbreaking hard work, sweat, toil,tears, blood and sacrifice that he has accumulated to reach this status.

b) all his compatriots (Ms Yeo Jia Min is another excellent player) who have toiled week in week out with nary a compliment, but lots of scolding, coaxing and sleepless nights, training, discipline and tears who made 4th or 6th in the regional championships.

This shows we Singaporeans, by and large are just armchair critics not lifting anything more than a Lays Nachos and moan and groan when our athletes never make it to the world stage.

Shame on Us. Shallow Singaporeans. 

Time for Singaporeans to stop being so mamby pamby and actually follow, not support the various sports (choose a few) and even spend some time playing, just to determine how difficult the sport is to play, let alone Excel.

Its time now to Pitch for a product distributed and installed by my company QRA International.

The Athletic Chamber with Hypoxic Function 

QRA has since 2014 sold and installed a number of Sports Athletic Chambers worldwide and I hope the player Loh Kean Yew has had an opportunity to improve his stamina, and performance from training and reduced oxygen levels at the Sports Institute of Singapore. Why am I so confident ? Because QRA sold and installed such a chamber to Singapore Sports Institute in 2016 for the sole purpose of research and elite player performance enhancement. 

Kudos to the player, win or lose. This shallow Singaporean together with millions of his compatriots will be rooting for you tonight ! 

It is my sincere hope that he had used the equipment to aid in his overall performance and development of his game since 2016, when QRA International (I personally ) spent days, months and spilt blood, sweat and money to  commission the equipment all those long and tiring days ago.

Seize the Day Kean Yew !  Bring Glory to our Singapore. 

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Farewell Gene Hackman - my favourite character actor in the 70s and 80s.

        Gene Hackman died on 27th Feb 2025, aged 93 together with his wife and dog                                                          ...