After numerous years of research and analysis, Psychologists have asserted that there are 4 types of Intelligence. Frankly I think there are 7 but as I read from this post in Quora, these 4 seem to be quite encompassing of almost 80% of any general population. Only 1 of the 4 such Intelligences is sufficiently measured nowadays with IQ Tests which involve mainly Left Brain thinking :
a) Memory
b) Logic
c) Mental Cognizance and Organization
d) Math
1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Schools and the school systems worldwide generally follow a syllabus which tests children's ability to count, apply logic, memorise terminoloy and spew reams of information during term tests and exams - those who do well in the scholar exams are deemed as HIgh IQ. Lets call this person Z
There are also numerous tests to determine whether Z is of High IQ and whether Z can function well in STEM jobs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and IT). However,having a HIgh IQ does not deem that the person can achieve success and be well accepted into society.
In short, Z, having a HIgh IQ without any of the other IQs actually can be a handicap.
IQ is 90% genetically endowed and 10% learned.
2. Emotional Quotient (EQ)
There are no known tests to gauge how much empathy a person has lets call him M, or how M can relate to another person, who is at a higher or lower level than M. The greater the ability of M to use numerous 'techniques' naturally endowed or learned to 'get what he / she' wants determines if M indeed has a High EQ.
How once can relate and use one's natural wit, charms, charisma and gravitas are all measures of one's EQ.
EQ is also 80% genetically endowed and 20% learned.
3. Social Quotient (SQ)
The ability of a person lets call him Y to build relationships which are co-operative or symbiotic in nature would be what I would call someone who is of High SQ. My late Mother and Father had both High EQ and SQ. My late Mum in particular was of average IQ, but had very high SQ, EQ. She endeared herself to all of the 4 bosses she worked for, something which in this day and age of job and character matching would seem next to impossible.
SQ is 50% genetically endowed and 50% learned.
4. Adversity Quotient (AQ)
The late Sim Wong Hoo was the first person I recall who pointed out this category of intelligence. A Crisis Manager. Someone who shines during a crisis or even during the worst times of a war. George Soros elicited that his father was just a humble carftsmen but when the Second World War came, he organised his family and galvanised many to eke out a living during the worst of times.
Having a calm head and able to think clearly during the crisis.
Indeed having an AQ is very very important.
AQ is 80% genetically endowed and 20% learned.
For every one of us ? What do you think you have ?
Once you know what kind of Intelligence you have ; maximise it to uplift yourself and those around you.
Carpe Diem
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