Sunday, April 23, 2023

4 Traits and 2 Obnoxious Behaviors observed in Singapore. Agree ?

Living in Singapore is like many big cities worldwide, we are constantly evolving and moving, be it with road works, road realignments, HDB blocks upgrading, tree pruning and new MRT lines being added on every other year. Its a fast paced environment. 

I read recently in Quora, the thought sharing app from a Singaporean who migrated to Australia, and his thoughts upon moving there with his young family and the differences he experienced from the Australian culture versus the Singapore culture were most abundantly felt in the first few years upon his migration.

4 Trends or Obnoxious Behaviors observed 

Singapore society is fast paced.
Singaporeans lack 'humanity' when they are pursuing or going about their business. 
'KIASUISM' or fear of losing out (FOLO) syndrome is apaprent amongst Singaporeans
KIASI-ISM or fear of dying amongst Singaporeans 

My only retort is that yes, we are all of the above. 
The other retort is that in every big city, there will always be this kind of boorish behavior.

BUT they do not represent the majority. In my opinion. 

HOWEVER, for every occasion I find there is one of the above, I try to make myself  NOT behave in that manner.

I have encountered numerous instances from fellow Singaporeans which made me feel proud and happy to be living here. Let me recount three. 

a) Once I was laden with a couple of heavy box containers at JEM, the well dressed lady and another lady offered to help me carry them into the lift, and I declined with thanks. There were at least several other offers of help to keep life doors open and to let me move on which were really kind gestures.

b) I was going for my medical checkup in Jurong West and I asked some random couple for directions. They willingly gave me specific directions and with a smile, which is heartwarming. 

c) I once slipped and fell on a small park area and the family came out to help me up and asked if I was OK. Well they were foreigners but the fact is that in Singapore, there are people willing to lend the extra hand when necessary.

> One Sunday evening, where we go to the Supermarket to buy our groceries, there was  a man at the supermarket counter who barged ahead of me, not aware my basket of things were lined up. Its true my son and I were somewhere else looking at the items on offer.

>I just smiled and told him, "Just go ahead. I am in no big rush".

>I count myself lucky to take the slow road ; he might be working or dashing out in between his Grab /Uber appointments making a living.

>"Cut the people some slack."    I tell myself.  

Can we do better ?  Well of course.

Are we by nature a selfish people ? I certainly do not think so.

Are we lacking humanity or compassion ? The multitude of people helping out in the food banks convince me that we are not.

Are we Kiasu ?  Well everyone on this earth has a choice. Self preservation is in fact being Kiasu. Practically everyone on this Earth is Kiasu at certain stages in their life.

Not more than most other societies, and this trait is so subjective and biased driven that it is impossible to measure. 

Kiasi ?  If you are a religious person, you should not be Kiasi. There is heaven and / or a good afterlife waiting for you.

Can we develop that community spirit ? It is  a work in progress.




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