Saturday, April 29, 2023

Elitism ; a society ruled


Elitism is the belief or notion that individuals who form an elite—a select group of people perceived as having an intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, power, notability, special skills, or experience—are more likely to be constructive to society as a whole, and therefore deserve influence or authority greater than the common man. 

Singapore has had a superb run .Since its founding on August 9th 1965, Singapore the island nation of then 3 million made up of mostly poor migrants from China, India and the indigenous Malay people with a then per capita income of equivalent to Kenya, has over these past 58 years made great strides in improvements to its citizens well being. We are currently 4th highest GDP per capita (close to US$ 100,000 per citizen) and have one of the world's highest standards of living. 

We all know and are thankful to the first generation of world class leaders of the ruling People's Action Party helmed by the brilliant statesman and leader Lee Kwan Yew. His passing 8 years ago has led us to believe that the years of super high GDP growth (more than 10%) is but a memory.

As a developed society (Singapore became a developed society in the earl 2000s), I believe that the following values are well entrenched in our midst :

a) multi-culturalism

b) multl- religiousness 

c) abiding to a fixed rule of law

d) Separation of the 3 entities of Government, namely the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary.

e) a free and fair election of Government every 4 to 5 years as mandated in the Constitution.

As a result over the years of rapid economic and social standing growth, there has developed an elite class or people who by virtue of their status, have a better chance of 'making it' than the other class or 'working class'. 

The gentry or people who have achieved financial independence very early on in their lives, and are living in good class bungalows and / or in Sentosa island. Well good for them. Should the nation's leaders come from only this class of people ?

I say 'No'. The Government should be made up of elected citizens who go through the lengthy and tedious process of serving the country first and foremost. By working at the grassroots level, the major prerequisite for our elected leaders must be they must be :  

By the People (elected)

For the People  (serve the people first and foremost)

and Of the People. (from the people - every segment)

So while the gentry MAY be Of the people, how do they know or even experience the plight of the working class ?  It is only partially true. 

Do they feel the pain of inflation at all ?

Do they EXPERIENCE the issues of those living in rental flats ? 

Have they actually spent their time serving the people first before they actually are voted in, to formulate policies for the people ? 


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