Friday, April 7, 2023

Finally a 5 K Run at Dalvey Estate Road

I had been out of sorts recently. The fact of the matter was that I had an LCL (Lateral Crucia 
Ligament) injury caused by overuse in the past years which had sidelined me to walking, cycling and even contemplating swimming just to get my endorphin 'fix'. I managed to persist the recovery by resting, going for Tui Na (Chinese massage with acupuncture) Sessions and taking a regimen of pills.

To date, for my joints (which so far, I have,thankfully no arthritis nor degeneration) I am taking daily these supplements from LAC and a Chinese supplier called Dandelion 

a) 4 tablets (LAC) formerly known as GNC ; the name : Joint Protect Xtra
1500 mg Glucosamine, 
1200 mg Chondriotin Sulfate
 900 mg Methylsulfunylmethane (MSM)
 5 mg Hyaluronic Acid 
 91 mg Sodium 

b) 3 Tablets Collagen (Dandelion)
800 mg Collagen 

Wonder of wonders, I managed to run 5 K today (Good Friday) at Dalvey Estate Park area off Evans Road. While I was not pushing for any good time. I am just a 'happy camper' that I can still run a decent distance of 5 K at the young old age of 60.  

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