Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cheers to new friends and treasure the long time friends

                                                 With Fang Kim Soon  and Hans Brys

       In my life, I am fortunate to acquaint myself with many people thanks to my business, hobbies, family, old school friends and travels. So here are 2 of my friends. This was taken on Sept 17th at Il Fiore, at Straits Trading Building Battery Road.

       I have known Hans for almost 2 years, I got to know him through Fang Kim Soon, an ex-banker from Societe Generale based in Hong Kong for the last 20 years. Hans is now in the food business, and very keen to get his pasta business off to a good start. It is called Pasta 101 and located at the basement of Chevron House, and his shop will start operations in October 2015. 

Hans booth was originally at the East Coast Park near C2 carpark 
  he has since relocated it to Chevron House in Oct 2015

      Using a specially prepared pasta sauce from Belgium, his pasta can be made in 1 minute and you can add your condiments and fillings such as cheese, chicken, ham.  My sons who have tried the take -out find it tasty, and at $7.50 per packet, it is good fast food at a decent price, with a great sauce to boot.

      Hans is originally from Belgium, and has extensive contacts in the Food and Beverage industry as well as in the music (CDs) business more than 20 years ago. He is married to a Singaporean and has lived here almost 20 years.  He is a doer, and is willing to try out new ventures aggressively.

     Wish you the Best of Business Luck, Hans !!! 

      Fang Kim Soon I have known since University days, 3rd year to be exact ; that is 30 years ago ! We were students from the then Nanyang Technological Institute, now University and had a ball of a time, living the undergraduate life playing football, triathalons, University debates, waterpolo and studies at the campus off Jalan Bahar.

      Kim Soon went off to Hong Kong to work, first as a dealer, then a broker, then went into general management for investment banks such as Soc Gen and UBS. He came back to Singapore in 2013, and is now a partner for his own head-hunting firm. 


                                      In Hong Kong 2008, had a lovely lunch at Lei 
                                      Chiu Chow Restaurant in Hutchinson House

     We have kept in touch over the years, and I treasure the fun times we had as well as the opportunities to do small business ventures together such as my health supplements, whereby I got to know Hans. 

    To my good friends and acquaintences, making money is not the be all and end all of life. 
     As Winston Churchill once famously said : "success is the ability to move from one failed venture to another with enthusiasm ". We seldom are successful in everything we do, so on balance, let us live life and manage what it throws to us good and bad. For then we will have truly experienced a full life. 

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