Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fish Ball Noodles at Tiong Bahru - Quan Fa Fish Ball Minced Meat Noodles.

                          Quan Fa (literally "everybody gets rich" fishball minced meat noodle) 

Somewhere in the middle of Tiong Bahru market's food centre on the 2nd floor lies this fishball noodle stall which is a favourite of mine. Manned by the chef, whom I call the 'artist', she very delicately breaks a portion of the noodle into a metal ladle, soaks it into the boiling water, prepares the bowl of noodles with fish sauce, light soya sauce, and vinegar, before mixing the noodles into the bowl.

The small Eu mee noodles are springy and tasty, the minced meat is boiled for several minutes dipped in boiling water, the fish sauce and vinegar are the base for the noodles 

      She then prepares the fish balls, fish cake, minced pork and some small pieces of port lard and boils the lot (except the pork lard) for about 1 minute into the steaming pot of soup. While the ingredients are being boiled, she mixes the noodles into the gravy and finally adds on the ingredients and the end result looks like the above.

     The result is a springy and very tasty bowl of (relatively speaking) healthy fishball noodles which is not fried and with a hint of pork lard. 

     The price $ 3 per bowl of dry noodles with the soup on the side. You can also choose the soup version for the same price. It would be a more healthy choice.  

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