Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My First Japan Trip 18 - 29 Sept 1990 Day 3 to Day 5.

  Then 28 years old, a young Sales Manager in Japan for the first time

20 Sept 1990 (Thur) DAY 3

Up at 0815 hr. Tired a little but no problems. Met Shimizu at usual time (I call him Shimizu san as courtesy).
Had breakfast (on me) Yen 810 - MacDonalds (* what was I thinking ???)
Proceed to Ei Tir Tse (Japanese pronouciation for Eight) for further training on 802 (the functional tester product) and various companies
Lunch - 'tonkatsu', rice and soup. 15 minutes only (*disappointed not a long lunch)
1.00 pm software training
3.00 pm proceed to see Sony FA factory automation showroom
5.00 pm Bowling at Shinagawa Prince Hotel (* I was amazed that the Japanese bowl in 
              their full suits !!)
6.00 pm Dinner at Chinese Restaurant (on Itoh san)
8.00 pm Back in hotel
8.30 pm Out for a brisk 1 and half hour walk. A long one ! Nearly got lost, bought Fuji box
              camera for Yen 2,150.   
With Eight Sangyo 802  Functional Tester

Norio Shimizu and I 
23 Sept 1990 just outside Harajuku district 

21 Sept 1990 (Fri) DAY 4

Up at 0825 hr. Feel good and rested. 
0930 hr met by Shimizu at lobby
Proceed to have breakfast at trendy coffeshop
Go over to SUNTECH'S sister company - TECHNOID
Tech. training on hardware aspect of the In Circuit Tester (ICT)
Lunch at Chinese Restaurant - given the VVIP treatment (*cant recall a single thing)
After lunch training on software aspect of the ICT, learn about troubleshooting and setting up of software
Dinner at Chiquita's restaurant, again given the VVIP treatment,had Surf and Turf ie. steak 
(medium) and lots and lots of seafood (* I hadn't discovered the joys of eating sushi and sashimi yet). They have gone to town on me, wine, beer, water, the works !
Proceed to KaraOK lounge, where I sang a song in Japanese !
Late, late, night. Took taxi home (after 1.00 am) paid Yen 4,250 for it. 

Teppanyaki Surf and Turf 
Chiquita's Restaurant 
21 Sept 1990 (Fri)

22 Sept 1990 (Sat) DAY 5 

Up early and met by Shimizu at 10.00 am. 
Had breakfast at free of charge (in Japanese speak, no breakfast)
Proceed to EIGHT SANGYO sales office where we meet Mr. Yokozawa for brief outline on AF 8020 function checker (new product then). 
Selling points of 8020 highlighted
Lunch at Chinese Restaurant on Yokozawa san
After lunch we went to Electric City (Akihabara) for shopping, I got the SONY CCD - F450E
for Yen 128,000 (S$ 1,600 then a princely sum) good buy I supposed ! The salesman promised me that it was Made in Japan and Very Good Reliability.
4.00 pm felt a bit tired so proceeded back to hotel, thanked Norio and had a short rest.
Early night, dinner at Yen 865 and off to bed by 9.00 pm.   

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