Saturday, November 14, 2015

My First Trip to Japan 18 - 29 Sept 1990 Day 9 - 11

26 Sept 1990 Wed DAY 9

Up at 7.00 am
Have Western style breakfast downstairs with Maru. Yamashita picks us up for morning factory tour. See the Satake ovens and other equipment like YOUCOMP and SC-J series. Also see the manufacturing of these chambers for conveyor systems, (something for the future factory where the dependency is much less on human operators). 

Lunch is Viking style at Friendly Restaurant (ie. Buffet, like Sizzler in the future) with salad, curry sauce, potato hash browns and Teriyaki Chicken. Good stuff. (Like I said, I had not discovered the joys of sushi and sashimi yet, hence the low brow taste buds !).

After lunch, some phototaking, complementary tea drinking and good bye SATAKE.

Book a nice 3 hour ride from Osaka to Tokyo on the Shinkansen (Bullet train).

Bullet Train 

Genda san (Yoshida Seiki) meets us at Tokyo station, have dinner Japanese style restaurant in station, had Tonkatsu. They are so polite, we all have the same type of food ! 

Later proceed via train to Ugaisudani (where ?) where everything is checked out for, room, etc.

Have a drink with Genda san. Norio brings me my luggage and we have an iced coffee at nearby coffee house.

Knock-off by 11.30 pm

27 Sept 1990 Thu DAY 10 

7.10 am Supposed to wake up....

8.15 am Shock ! supposed to meet Genda san down at lobby. I rush through morning routine in 15 minutes flat ! Go to bus station via jam packed train from Ueguiudani (near Ueno station) to Yunachuko station. Take the Industrial Japan tour (all expenses paid,
Y10,000 including Tempura lunch all expenses paid by Yoshida Seiki). Tour is full of Americans, Dutchm Australians, New Zealanders, Hawaiians and Singaporean (me!).
See JAL maintenance base at Haneda airport, not very impressed though. Have lunch at some typical Japanese restaurant near Isuzu factory (No. 6 car and vehicle automaker in Japan). Factory tour of Isuzu where we saw a very high degree of automation of conveyor, robots welding and factory staff inserting multiple items into slow moving cars on conveyor belts.

4.45pm Back to Imperial Hotel. Genda san supposed to meet me at 7.00 pm ! Frantically rearrange for 5.30pm meeting. He arrives at 6.15 pm apologetic. Back to hotel for 45 minutes and off to nice Chinese dinner. Back in hotel by 9.00 pm. Call home for 3 - 5 minutes via operator assist. (No handphone invented yet !)    

28 Sept 1990 Fri DAY 11
7.45 am    Down for breakfast

Massive Western style breakfast of eggs, ham, toast, butter,lettuce, the works. Genda san comes early and arranges for my flight back on SQ 11 the next day. Luckily we get the 'last' seat (need to call and prebook as in the past). 

Proceed to YOSHIDA SEIKI (maker of shock and vibration test systems) to see their ASQ and DT-50 systems. Noisy things. Lunch at YS factory in Tokyo with Maru san and Genda san.

Genda, I and Tanaka san at 
Yoshida Seiki factory 
28 Sept 1990

Me with Tanaka san
President of Yoshida Seiki
28 Sept 1990 (Friday)

After lunch training on small impact tester and meet Mr. Toyoda (Director) and Mr. Tokichiro Tanaka (President). Dinner with Genda san but not before visiting Asakusa Temple,got cookies for everyone ar office. Dinner ar small Korean shop with whole chicken stew and rice (I had not eaten ginseng chicken before). After dinner, the games arcade, followed by a cup of Japanese tea and off to bed by 12.00 am.   

Some procession outside Asakusa temple 
28 Sept 1990 (Friday) 


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