Monday, November 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Mum, Anna Abisheganaden

       Today, 30th November is my beloved Mum's birthday. She would have been 85 today, but she passed on on Jan 8th 2011. Her passing was very smooth, and painless, and I believe she is in a better place looking down with my father, at the work my brother and I are doing, raising up families and being the best that we can be.

Celebrating my niece Hannah's first birthday in Dec 2005 

       She was a wonderful,loving and caring mother. We always went to her with our problems, and was the real rock in our family. I always seeked her good counsel, as she was an expert in all things financial, from property investment, shares and other investments. A very cool and steady personality, she was always there for me, and although she seldom travelled, she enjoyed her life making sure she was the matriach of our extended family.

At the Cricket Club July 2010

      For over 40 years, she was the Personal Assistant to the Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Health, and had 4 bosses. Mingling with the mandarins in the Health Ministry would not be an easy task but she was certainly up to it, and all her bosses gave her high praise for her professionalism and compassion. Compassion was one of her strongest traits and she has personally helped out many friends and family in times of need, through advice and financial means. She was in my mind, a truly exceptional lady with immense grace and 

      Mum, on this day, I wish you Happy Birthday,may you be smiling down on me and our families and let us keep you happy and smiling for as long as we live. 

      Blessed Birthday Mum ! 


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