Sunday, October 8, 2017

A new chapter in Ken Shin Kai Karate Club ; Introductory lesson at SUSS

Jason conducting the class at SUSS (formerly SIM) campus 

The Ken Shin Kai club is now expanding into new territory with the introduction of karate-do (Shitoryu) class at the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) - formerly called Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) along Clementi Road. The fist session was 6.30 to 8.00 pm on 6th October and I was one of the instructors helping out to give the newbies a taste of the martial art.

6 enthusiastic young men and women turned up and Kevin Tan who is a lecturer there, started the ball rolling by introducing karate shitoryu philosophy as well as a way of life. After the short introduction, we had approximately half an hour of basic punches, blocks and kicks to get the newbies into 'gear'. 

The undergraduates were mainly from te 3rd year and we (4 black belters) gave them an insight into how to properly execute a punch (with the waist movement first), a kick, some basic blocks and followed by a couple of stances.  

Jason Chua then conducted some bunkai (application of the kicks and punches) and we broke up the group into pairs to try out the application of the chops, kicks and some punches. The men and women throroughly enjoyed the session from what I could see from their happy faces, and the time flew by.

After about 1 hour of training, we then had a kata (form) demonstration by Kevin Tan with Sienchin performance, and the application of the sienchin blocks as well as grabs and punches. 

Ken Shin Kai is now active at the Tanglin Community Club every Sunday from 6.00 to 7.30 pm (Badminton Hall), for kids, it is held every Saturday at the NUSS Guild House Kent Ridge Campus from 10.00 to 11.30. So we are awaiting the further interest from SUSS to study when we can have the weekly or bi-weekly sessions at the new campus.

Thanks to all the instructors involved, Leck Chye Chuan, Kevin Tan, Jason Chua and our sensei Chia Kwek Fah for giving us this opportunity to take on new recruits to the school. 

We are growing step by step.   

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