Thursday, October 5, 2017

Latest Mass Shooting in Las Vegas shows how little we know about Mental Illness

            The recent mass shooting of people in Las Vegas USA randomly in a cold calculated manner, just reinforces the fact that I live in a gun free society, which though some people may call it slightly restricted in certain freedoms, in actuality it is because of these restrictions, that the ultimate freedom is given to its citizens and the permanent residents who can move around at practically any time of day or night, we can walk into ALL neighbourhoods without the slightest fear of harassment, robbery, being caught in the cross-fire of gangs, drug dealers or worse.

         I am happy that for the greater good of society, Singapore and its Government has advocated tough rules on many things. Guns are totally prohibited, and while the US has their 2nd amendment in the Constitution, don't forget that the Constitution was forged when America was a fledgling society 200 odd years who has fought themselves away from the imperialist rule and carrying arms was a way to protect themselves from the British.

          If the Government is there to provide security for its citizens, then there would be no need to resort to carrying or using firearms. I have had the benefit of shooting rifles and semiautomatic weapons during my National Service and Reservist days. All these were done under a strict controlled environment during live firing exercises.  

          The state of mind of people can never be taken as stable. It fluctuates. Mental illness, depression and instability are in my opinion, so insufficiently covered and known by the general population. When you are down with the 'flu, cough, aches, chest pains, you know there is a medical practitioner you can visit and he can diagnose and dispense the medication for your illness.

          If you are mentally ill, have depression or are feeling down, do you go and admit that you are not well 'up there?' Or do you just shoulder on the day to day existence and plod on ?

Accident waiting to happen ; and with access to all the weapons of mayhem at his disposal

         Stephen Paddock was a typical retiree, but something inside him made him do this heinous deed. It was meticulously planned, but the fact he put cameras in the hallways of the hotel floor he was staying in showed he was sane and calculative. The other question which is on people's lips is "why?".  Did he have a big grudge on society ?  Did he want to go out in a big way so that people the world over will remember his gross deed ?

         Did he discover he had an incurable disease and wanted to right the wrongs ? What did all the innocent people at the country music jamboree do to him if anything ? 

        The society in USA is really reeling from this latest horrible act. If we cannot adequately treat the sick or demented mind, then we should at least curb or totally eradicate weapons which would cause this kind of carnage to innocent human beings who will be scarred for life mentally about the objective of humanity. Nothing will change in the future and people will be giving up on living purpose driven lives since random acts of this magnitude  can and will happen time and again.  

       As Trump would say :  "Sad". 




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