Sunday, October 1, 2017

My Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) for 2018

Telling the world my BHAG 

I'm taking a leaf from Mr. Sim Wong Hoo, Creative Technology boss who in his book declared that when you have goals, make them Big, Hairy (I think it means a little over the top), audacious (which is Hairy x 2) and a Goal for a lifetime.

So for 2018, I would like to declare this as my BHAG. I have already bitten the bullet and signed up for the Paris Marathon on 8th April ; I have roughly 6 months to train.

Second BHAG : To record a 4 hour 15 time ; for the full 42 km, this means an awesome (to me of course) average time of 6 minutes 7 seconds PER KILOMETER for the entire 42.195 km !!! 

Third BHAG : To lose like 3 - 5 kg (from a 76 kg), my target is to be a trim 71 kg by then. Yes, I will have baggy and loopy looking pants, but the SACRIFICE is worth it.

1. Clarity of mind (objective) : its clear what I need to accomplish ; I then need to break down the objective to bite sized daily, weekly and monthly objectives for a) exercise, b) diet intake and c) sleep sufficiency.  Its the adherence to the package that makes the whole goal realistic.  

2. Purity of Spirit : I want to do this with a pure heart and tell myself that I am doing it for the best intentions ; I will start looking for a charity to support to raise money. Details will follow.

3. Relentless pursuit of the objective : This will be the most challenging and painful. Time will be short. There is business to attend to, bills to pay, appointments to be met, customer visits local and overseas, a year end holiday, new customers, old customers, meeting and managing new staff and overseeing operations, as well as 1 major project with 2 more in the pipeline.

   Tough ; management of time and energy is critical.   

4. Sacrifice : As mentioned, I will need to sacrifice my love of white wine, chocolates and excess foods and drink with the friends to lose that weight. Its an ascetic lifestyle for the next 6 months. 

5. Focus : the goal is the end result ; the process is the training, cross training and the dieting, plus following up on weekly logging of the kms.

6. Discipline :  This is the further manifestation of the previous 2 process factors above. 

    Achieving or finishing the marathon is 1 thing ; achieving it in a Personal Best time is something out of the ordinary. At 55 years of age. 

   I must be crazy. 

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