Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Are You A Scrapper ?? Hard Work and Diligence only takes you so far

The Sydney Opera House is Iconic but Smaller than eveyone thinks in real life 

I have discovered that to get somewhere, I must 'scrap' and fight tooth and nail for survival. That is the only way to move forward. To be nice means people can and will take advantage of you if you are not careful. Hence it is always with guarded optimism that I manage my outlook as well as project my aspirations accordingly. 

There are opportunities out there to people who are willing to sacrifice their time, their 'face' and their skills whatever that may be. To take it easy and cruise or depend on the kindness of other people is pathetic, especially if I am able bodied and willing to learn new things, even at my age (55).

The Boomerang - what goes around comes around 

I am now scrapping for everything and anything which means that time is limited and opportunities go to the most hardworking or persistent of all. I will ensure that at the end of the day - I will win that opportunity. Scrappy play in football means both sets of players from both teams are fighting for the ball - for to win the ball gives the player and hence his team the opportunity to score goals. Hence, scrappy play while necessary can be disguised once the fluidity, skill and the willingness of the players to take calculated risks to push forward the ball. Hence in business it is like that, being nice or waiting for things to happen sometimes or many a times is like waiting for the durian to fall. I prefer to have a process whereby the opportunities are ever increasing and the orders keep flowing  orders.   

Never stop improving ; keep trying and get better 

For too long I have been in a rut, just playing according to the old rules of the game. I decided to work harder, think more and changed to rules to suit my needs. That way I an dictate to a large extent, the cashflow, the potentials and the profits. Its a very complicated fluid process with no end in sight. Only challenges and facing up to each and every one head on and moving on. To sit on a problem is dragging the issue 1 more day. 

Kill issues once and for all and start afresh, for there is no time to waste or wishing how things 'could have been'.

Think, Do, Act, Moderate and the cycle repeats itself endlessly.

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