Monday, October 1, 2018

My old house

Circa 1975 the house on the left 

This is the picture of my old house, taken somewhere during the '70s in the central part of Singapore.

We had a manual gate, white in colour, with grilles on the living room area, and a split level between the living and dining room which was in total about 400 ft2. The kitchen and the backyard area was probably another 800 ft2. Outside we had a big garden of perhaps 1000 ft2. Looking back it was  a huge sized house for modern day Singapore. One the second floor, we had my parent's bedroom, with the big balcony, my room which is on the extreme left, with a small balcony, one other mid level room (where my Uncle Leong used during his recuperation from a stroke in the early '80s.) and the back bedroom, where my brother John stayed.

The roof was made of terracotta tiles and kept us cool and was leak free - most of the time. I did not recall we ever had any leak issues on the second floor. 

In the early 2000, my parents and our family redeveloped the house into 2 which was a lasting legacy for the next generation, John and myself. I will never forget and appreciate the work done by David Mitchell who introduced the idea to my parents and we were the first in the entire estate to redevelop the house into 2 semi-detached houses and in the next 20 years many houses followed suit.

My Dad Geoffrey, brother John, Andrew and I at Imperial Treasure in 2007

My Mum and Pa, I salute you for your foresight and knowledge for indeed you gave us, the children a better life and a decent abode for our families. For this we are forever grateful and thankful.

Thinking of you ever so often.

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