Sunday, October 21, 2018

There will be Bad Days

                                      Sam Man Zhai at east Coast Park Beach 1964

There will be bad days, so be prepared for the storm of criticism that comes your way. Deal with it and become a better person for it. To resist and do a "Mexican standoff' just because it is your life, I think is manifestly stupid and sometimes self pride or ego affects your thinking and behaviour. Denial never benefitted people and they pay the price of it somewhere down the road in time. 

I have been pushing my business for 15 years now, toiling at the orders big and small. It is quite something to go and do something if it does not reward me monetarily. So I must be clear what I went into at the beginning of the journey. If I do not see a positive or net profit at the end of it, I think it is best for me to shut and call that  business a failure. 

It is not about the romantic notion of being an entrepreneur and the 'fake news' press many times romanticises and plays up the wild rides of the Bill Gates, Elon Musks and Jack Mas. They must be truly special, driven, and ego maniacal to push through an agenda for only they have the ability to take on massive financial risk, create that public persona and create demand or forsee an insatiable demand for their 'product'  

Bad days are here as my boyhood team lost 2 - 0 at home to Watford. Nuno now has to take stock, analyse what happened, why the lapse in concentration and decide whether to drop players, how to motivate the team further and whip them into a positive force for the next match next week. Its a bad day at the office but not the end of the world.

Bad days are necessary because I will savour and appreciate the good days even more when the deal comes in unexpectedly or when the work is so plentiful I need to come back and work on the weekend.

Its the balance in life. Deal with it wisely and I will be better for it in the end. 

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