Monday, October 15, 2018

My first trip to Europe June 1974 I of II

Outside the Pantheon June 1974 with my Papa 

I believe around June of 1974, my Dad took me to visit Greece, the cradle of civilzation and England, his 2nd home so as to indoctrinate me into the fading glories of Western Europe. As a pre teen, I was a precocious chap probably thinking I knew it all when in fact I knew next to nothing ! 

From the dim recesses of my memory, I can recall Greece and Athens at that time being somewhat overcast, and we visited the Pantheon, as well as some of the other relics. I recall trying to look like my Dad but with no success. 

Feeding the Pigeons at Trafalgar Square with a bobby in the background

In England, he was much more at 'home' and I recall us visiting the homes of Brian Grieg, as well as seeing his sons Jamie and another. It was and is a hazy recollection. Sometime in the '80s Jamie came to our house and I still have a photo of his visit. We also had some dinner at some walk-up apartment of my Dad's and we had some pretty bland curry !

The highlight of the trip, was the visit to Trafalgar Square, seeing Nelson's column (he Lord Nelson was credited with winning the sea battle against Napolean and died on the ship during the height of his victory). The pix above shows me feeding some unamed pigeon with the famed British Bobby in the background. Those days, Asians seemed and felt like 2nd class as we were not that numerous in UK and hence the feeling of "not there yet" was apparent. Times sure have changed. 

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