Friday, October 19, 2018

Words to Live By

This 'Ah Ha' moment happened to me after a hard 6 km run last Saturday, 13th Oct to be exact. Here are the starkest unadulterated thoughts of mine : 

                                                      Family Portrait circa 1963 

1. What Drives Me : Living up to the good name of my parents. They have gone, but not in my mind's eye. They are there watching. 

2. The Sum of All My Fears : I don't fear death as it is the end of life. Everyone dies. I fear that I have been a lazy has - been ; a good for nothing. In my own mind. Nothing 
else or what other people say does not matter.

3. The Sum of My Accomplishments : is not for me to determine. So I don't worry too much about it. My plans in the past, some have made it, many have not. But I continue to plan and strive to be a better person. 

4. Will I be remembered ? : Why did I write this blog then. Ha Ha. It doesn't matter when am gone. It surely doesn't matter when I am alive. If I want to be remembered I would like to be remembered as a good son, a good father to 2 great kids, husband to a wonderful wife and I did all the things I thought would make a difference to the people I come across. 

Timed Run 8th Dec 2015 - full marathon

It was never about making pots of money, I may have been misled in my youth and early young adulthood, but no my values have changed. Its surely not about being the best leader, or best runner, or karateka.

In the end, it doesn't matter for people will think and decide what they want to think about me and the life I led.

5. Will I 'succeed'  ??  It really depends on my life plans, whatever enigmatic energy I have expended into this life, industriousness,resilience, persistence and leadership of a few good people. 

6. Will I be Happy ? Absolutely. Its all a matter of my outlook in life. I hope I will have numerous bouts of happiness and I am able to handle those times well. 

Parc Guell - Barcelone 2016 

                                                     !!  CARPE DIEM !!


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