Thursday, October 25, 2018

Happy Birthday Andrew ! 25th Oct ; 21 already. Fully Grown Man !

Photo taken in Dec 2009 Alexandria Port, Egypt 

The relentless march of time goes unabated, and we will one day return to our Maker. My younger son, Andrew, turns 21 years old today. How time flies ! While I am happy to see him spread his wings, the time has passed all to suddenly and we can never recover it. Love your children unequivocably for the binds that keep us together will last a lifetime. 

Just as my parents have gone before me and I will one day face my destiny, I am glad to have a pretty fortunate life. So I wish for my young son, Andrew to go forth and do his utmost with the world at his young unfettered mind. He will face downfalls, trips, challenges, triumphs, loves, losts, joys and sorrows but through it all he will emerge stronger - that is my wish for this young man, just as many millions of young men go forth into adulthood.

Taken Outside the Valley of the Kings, Egypt 2009 

Seize the day young man, for the day will turn to night, the spring will soon turn to summer,autumn and then winter. We will have turned one full circle. The relentless march of time goes on unabated. Whether we have made a mark is not for us to decide. But we can surely give this life a 'Go'.  Make the fullest of your life. We only have one chance.   

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