Sunday, March 31, 2019

New Anti - Drug Ambassador ? What a flaming Joke !

Today I was really amused to read in the local newspapers, that one of Singapore's ex top DJs a Ms Tenasher Long was imprisoned for drug consumption.She also jumped bail and fled the country with her ex-boyfriend.

There is nothing funny about being jailed, but the fact that her mother so early trumpeted that she hopes her daughter can be an anti-drug ambassador for the young adults 'out there'. 

On the same page, you have the said ex-DJ in a low cut black dress showing her assets and her dyed hair. This is sending all mixed signals to the young and vulnerable who go out and party and be entertained by these celebrities. Singapore's laws are strict but not overly so. Drink but not in excess. Party but don't drink and drive. Drugs - No no. How much more simple can these things be ? Apparently not so simple for morons like her. 

You want to push the boundaries ? Fine. Pay the price. Shut up and Crawl your way back. 

Wow, in my opinion, her mother should just shut up, let the girl serve her time and after her period of incarceration, then perhaps humbly state her story. Her association with another ex-hubby of English origin of another Singapore so-called celebrity who was into drugs did not raise any red flags with her ? I think she does not make good judgement calls on her men whom she chooses to have relationships with. The guy is obviously a bad influence and our young people especially ladies should always look at the inner person. Our ladies seem to be taken by the young white men by their good looks and charm but tend to neglect the thing called 'character'. Stupid call by some girls. I won't call them Sarong Party Girls but can you be a little more quality conscious and have higher standards please ??? 

A lot of times their decisions have been the result of the influence of mass media such as Hollywood movies,with the white guy being the hero in 80 - 90% of the shows.  

Singaporean guys are basically good folk, square, not too cool but good folk. Check them out and give our local boys a chance. 

Give up on the Pinkerton Syndrome.  You might be so much happier for it. 

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