Monday, March 25, 2019

Snacking should not be used to 'Fill" in between tasks

Outside a House in Canberra 2017 

This post is self explainatory. I have the bad habit of snacking on food, especially at the end of the day, to eat some snack, or drink some wine when in actual fact I am neither hungry or thirsty.

I have managed to curb this bad habit for most of the day, as I have stocked in the office, 24 bottles of mineral water and wafer biscuits with oat. As they are both the lowest calorie foods I can find, during the day at the office, I can manage to keep the hunger pangs down by only eating 1 sachet and 1 bottle to drink after a long task (say several quotations or replies to numerous emails).

The work at the office is never ending, so it is up to me to decide when exactly to stop the tasks and head either to the gym at the club or back home. There are days when I visit customers in Singapore and again, I try to minimise eating out in the malls as best as I can.

I have decided to only eat as and when I am hungry, so I have utilised intermittent fasting (up to 16 hours at 1 stretch) to some good effect. The next step is to count calories and reduce the total amount of carbohydrate into my body while at the same time increase the energy expensed each and every day.

My goal (this has been an almost unreachable target) is to weigh 72 kg by June. It is only 1 kg per month from my current 74 to 75 kg.

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