Thursday, August 20, 2020

2011 Marathon ; I have put on weight ; see my 2011 frame versus 2010 frame


I had a look at my past marathon photos, and I have decided that enough is enough. My body's metabolism is indeed slowing and unless I do something about it, the weight in kgs will amass and it will not be good for me.

Therefore, I have decided to take on the challenge to lose 5 kg by this year's end. It won't be easy, but I must do this so that my body can feel the effects of a lighter frame, and hence, possibly run faster.

My BMI is in the overweight range, 25.5 so, I need to get this under control once and for all.

If I have succeeded, I will put up my weight strategy for all to see and give their comments on.  

Tackling weight loss is basically done on numerous fronts :

a) lose the hunger urge to snack
b) Count calories for every meal or snack taken. Keep a food log
c) Exercise more and s a result 
d) Eat the right foods. 

I did manage to lose this amount, some 10 odd years ago, but as the body metabolism has slowed, and my eating has not, I have (sadly) gained 1 kg per year on average.

This is not good, as an overweight body will ultimately lead to lifestyle diseases such as 

a) heart disease
b) high blood pressure
c) diabetes
d) cancer (possibly).

Add to that, my family history of cancer, and I am awaiting a not so good end of life, in the years to come, if I don't do anything to my eating habits, my exercise regimen (not enough), and my sleep and stress levels. 

In the following months I will walk through my journey from overweight to somewhat trim and fit.

Care to join me ?? 

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