Sunday, August 2, 2020

2nd August 2020 Afternoon Musings

Its a warm and humid afternoon. We are well into the 2nd half of 2020, and this year on all fronts has been nothing short of a disaster, economically, socially and healthy wise. Singapore has registered 2 quarters of contractons and is in a recession, probably the worst since it was an independent country in 1965, 55 years. The USA, the world's largest economy is also experiencing the worst economic situation since the Great Depression 90 years ago. 

The COVID -19 which had started out as a 'bad 'flu' from Wuhan in early January has evolved into a global pandemic killing almost 500,000 and infecting 16 million people with many more expected to fall sick in the coming months and possibly years as countries race to find a vaccine and possibly handle this as best as they can.

Its so easy to blame countries for the start and then once it is released, the scenario gets so convoluted with each country taking tough steps such as lockdowns of cities, states and enforcing wearing of masks in all enclosed places such as shopping malls, supermarkets, and restaurants. 

The countries which supposedly controlled it well, China, New Zealand, S Korea, Hong Kong, Auatralia, Japan and Vietnam are experiencing second and third waves of the dreaded disease as people start moving back into the workforce, moving between states, and again cramping together in popular dining areas.

People are slow learners. So used to habits and the need for mingling, we inadvertedly revert back to our 'bad' old days of crowding for the sake of saving a few minutes (to take the next lift) or eat at the restaurant which is full to capacity after almost 3 months lockdown  - where everything was shut and only takeout was allowed. (Late March till 18 June) 

There is the usual talking after eating and drinking, merriment and exchanging of long grandfather stories.

The virus lurks in unknown places, in people who are asymptomatic carriers and those who have caught it, but decide to shrug if off and soldier on - a cardinal sin - all in the name of not wanting to 'lose out' or miss the long anticipated reunion of classmates, someone's birthday and a celebration.

The New Normal is upon us. We need to be mindful 100% about the risks when going anywhere. I sound neurotic but only the paranoid survive (as Andrew Grove of Intel so aptly puts it).

Currently in China, the country which the virus first originated, is facing massive flooding in the Yangtze basin. Its so sad to watch the millions of people along the basin (AnHui district for one) who have lost their livelihoods, their homes, their businesses and their community as the floods continue unabated for at least another few weeks.

Its impossible to comprehend their suffering and  sense of helplessness. 

2020 -  Will we see any happy end to the year ? A vaccine would be at least a hopeful sign and something for us to look forward to. 


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