Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The First Hour

I am aware that the first hour of the day is the time when the mind is at its most acute and cognitively, the most focused and clear. 

Hence, for us, we have only this time to get the most important of things done.

For the spiritual, Christians like to use the first hour as 'quiet time' to communicate with God by either reading his word (the Bible) and hence setting the day right.

For others unaware of their cognitive bearings, it passes on like any other - a loss of the mind's capability to do the most important task of the day.

Some days I waste this first hour by relaxing or doing trivial things.

Nowadays, I believe it is imperative that I use this first hour to stratagize and plan ahead for the day, week, month and till the end of the year.

Useless musings ?  

Not where I am concerned. 

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