Wednesday, August 26, 2020

25th August 2020 Run at MacRitchie Reservoir Park - Singaporeans, take a bow. You have arrived !

My run yesterday at MacRitchie Reservoir park was the first, I believe, in 2020. So many things have happened in 2020, with the COVID-19 messing up so many people's lives, livelihoods, physical, health and mental well being, not to mention, crippling businesses, ruining decades of long established industries in Food and Beverage, Retail, Transport, Travel, Leisure, Entertainment, Hospitality, the list seems endless.

I put aside all the negative thoughts and went for the run. Starting from the tree near the performance bandstand (now long unused), I ran 5.2 km inside the track under the forest canopy and reached the exercise station deep in the forest beside the SICC Sime golf course and then backtracking my steps.

I encountered many muddy patches along the way, the trail run was muddy in at least 10 places, some spots being reduced to thick dark brown sludge. But I persisted and made my way past perhaps less than 10 people.

3 groups of people whom I passed along my run were very polite. One couple (or was it a father and daughter ?), even stopped, stepped aside and allowed me to continue at my regular pace and run through the side of the muddy pathway. Another elderly Chinese gentleman, stopped his walk to allow me to canter past me down one of the slippery slopes, and gave me a toothy grin when I thanked him profusely.

The last couple, upon hearing my panting and footfalls approaching them from behind, created an 'arch' between them (like those of raised swords during a marriage ceremony) and let me run past them. It is a real treat, not to slow down and stop during my run as it disrupts my pace first and foremost and secondly, the sudden slowing down and rapid acceleration can do damage to my soon to be 58 year old joints.

So, this post is a shoutout to these Singaporeans, who have 'arrived' when it comes to social responsibility and do give some thought to the other path users - at least those 3 groups of people.

May we continue this positive and uplifting mindset for our society going forward !

Here below is a picture of my muddy Kayanos.

May I be able to run at all the lovely parks in Singapore for as long as I can ! 


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