Saturday, June 8, 2024

Day 7 Part 3 6th Dec 2023 Verona - Romeo oh Romeo where art thou Romeo ?

Here is the post for the romantics and lovers of all ages. The birthplace of the playwright and author William Shakespeare's fertile imagination for a forbidden love for all ages between a boy and a girl (of course, I am an old school non woke conservative nearly old guy!) 

The ageless beauty Juliet in bronze. 

We went into the courtyard where Juliet would be hanging around disparagingly muttering those famous lines. This was pre smart phone mind you, so no emojies, sad or angry emoticons and missed whatsapp calls ! Legend has it, (this is definitely urban legend) if you go up to the statue and touch the left breast (uncovered), you will find true love !!

Juliet's Balcony 

Apparently the 'balcony' is a recycled sarcophagus (or old tomb of some preist) so its laughable thar people step into the tomb and wave to their imagined lovers out in the distance!  If only they knew the actual facts !

We then walked over to Romeo's family house and also saw the tomb of the top family which governed Verona in the 12th and 13th centuries. The della Scala family.

Della Scala House

Tomb of della Scala family 


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