Saturday, June 8, 2024

Day 8 7th Dec 2023 Thursday Peschiera del Garda

Day 8 of Holiday

Thursday 7th Dec 2023 Very Sunny Day 15 C

This day was supposed to be the day we went cycling. Well, that did not work out as planned ! The place happened to be closed !

We woke up late, again. This is highly unusual for a high paced travel couple like us. But it did a world of good as far as our emotional and subconscious state of mind was concerned. 

As of Day 7, I had written in my diary, that by the time on Day 7, at Peschiera del Garda, I was totally relaxed and recharged and ready to go.

So, today, even though there was this hiccup, we were in high spirits and walked about 5km back and forth along Lake Garda. The lapping of the waters, the blue sky with the hint of sun, the ducks quacking in the distance, the feeling was of total peace. After another long year of business and managing issues, this holiday was the perfect antidote for me.

Peaceful Easy Feeling along Lake Garda 

We walked back to P d G and had lunch of salmon avocado sandwich, cheese sandwich and a couple of energy fruit drinks.

We had dinner at the nice Plumes restaurant back in town 

> Pork cheek with young potatoes and artichokes,

> Burrata cheese / Parma Ham / Pistachio Salad.

I recorded we did easily 20,000 steps today and went back to bed totally tired and happy.

Pistachio Salad 

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