Thursday, June 20, 2024

Set Clear Big Goals, then Break Them Down to Smaller Pieces, Move on the Smaller Pieces.

I am no great achiever of anything, but I am determined to make my mark in the Laboratory Test space for Biomedical Products manufactured in S E Asia. That is the space I have identified for my fledgling business since 2015.


Hence, with that goal in mind, we set out to seek opportunities to test for major biomedical manufacturers in S.E.Asia and we identified what exactly we need insofar as test equipment was concerned. We identified that we needed to procure

a) Stability Test Chambers

b) A convenient location to house the test chambers

c) Ample electrical and cooling area for the heat to be dissipated from the Lab, either through convection cooling or through air conditioning.

Then we went on a major marketing campaign which is ongoing to secure long term testing contracts with major players - but that did not go according to plan.

The world is such that even "the best made plans of mice and men, often go awry" - Robert Burns 

We  therefore need to ADAPT to the circumstance. Meaning which major manufacturer would happily give you long term contracts even though you have a decent sized Lab set up at their doorstep.

Who indeed ?

We knocked on many many doors and sent numerous emails. The trick is adapting and looking out for opportunities, scrounging for any lead, until you hit paydirt.

That pay dirt may never come !






Even with a dose of all of these, you may and likely will fail.

MOST IMPORTANTLY set clear goals from Day 1, break them down to smaller bite sized pieces and get moving.

If you are a fisherman and the fish have swum to other waters and you are still in the same lake. Then what ?

a) Close shop

b) Row or Sail to where the fish are ; if only 20 % remain where you are currently what do you do ? Can you split your boat into 2 or get another boat which will add to your operating costs and even then there is no guarantee that the new lake will be as bountiful as the original one which fed you and your crew.

There are so many unknown unknowns in this business world  !.

Im still fishing , if and when I do reach the shore with either

a) empty boat 

b) a boat overflowing  with fishes. 

only I and my immediate crew will know it.



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