Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Focus focus on the work process - results will follow, with some luck

Flag flying high at Molineux Stadium, Wolverhampton

I am like many of the 99% of the population who only focus on results. Yes, results matter.However in the recent weeks I have had a rude awakening of sorts. Listening to many audio books on investing and managing money, I am shocked that for so long, I had only looked at results as the measurable ends while not really focussing on what matters most, the process.

The process of anything, be it  in your business, your hobby, your life, your relationships is so vital as to how you ought to live. Read, understand and value the fine print of everything. That 96 page purchase contract, the sale and purchase of your car or your house, the work employment contract, the insurance contract, the list goes on and on. It is so vital to every thing in your life, yet many a times you gloss over the fine print and look only at the big picture and putting up the signature on something regarding your life or how your hard earned money is going to be invested or used.  

I am guilty of this recently. I barely follow the recent SEA (South East Asian) games in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and yes, as a proud Singaporean, would look up the medals tally and see where we stood in the region (57 golds as of time of writing 30 August 2017). I have totally overlooked the years and years of sacrifice, the pain, the effort, the sweat the tears and the mental anguish ALL these athletes must go through just to reach that podium finish.

Many end up injured, even more don't make the medals tally (there are 10 finalists and perhaps 20 plus who were knocked out in the heats and semis of the 400 meters for example). The process of these young men and women transforming their lives first from an ordinary runner, to one with some interest, to one who beat the others in school, then at the national sports meet, then regional meets, then SEA games. THAT process is an extremely long, lonely, full of blood sweat and tears and I must add, 99% fail, give up or drop out at their highest potential level. 

To reach the very top of your game, it all starts with a Plan, a bold plan. Followed by Process of clear vision, hard work, risk management, execution of the plan with expectance of perfection, accepting failures as learning exercises, bitter as they impact on the body, mind and resources. Resilience, dedication, and a fired up passion to be the best. In addition, a skin so thick that you need a jackhammer to knock you aside.  

Finally Luck. 

Champions were never made from paper thin egos, lazy and fragile bodies whinging about everything and anything. 

Then the Gold and the Rest should follow. 


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Global Warming ; Doing our part

Ice Shelf Melting at an Unprecedented Rate 

This last weekend saw one of the most catastrophic Category 4 hurricanes ever to hit the USA ever since the 2005 Katrina storm which devastated New Orleans. Houston Texas is right now experiencing the worst of the winds and now the rains of more tnan 50 inches of water dumped over 3 days ! 

The fact that global warming has been with us for the last 100 years or so and escalating at a rapid pace these last 20 years is a dire warning to all countries, especially the industrialised ones that it is real. The trapping of greenhouse gases caused by massive deforestation (most recently Brazil has approved hundreds of thousands of hectares of tropical rainforest for mining puroses), rapid industrialization and general ignorance and apathy of our only home is causing the world to warm up, the ice shelf which has been there for centuries is melting like never before and as a result, the sea levels are rising. The seas on the whole are getting warmer too.

The confluence of factors of warm seas result in greater evaporation and hence more humidity in the air and the massive hurricane which hit Houston this last weekend is a foreboding and frightening sign. Human civilization and development is the root cause of global warming, no two ways about it.

That the US President can go to the 2017 Paris climate summit and threaten to pull out of such a massive agreement amongst all countries in the world is stupidity at the highest level. It is not deal making or taking care of one's country's interests over the entire planet.

We must all do our part, however small to reduce our carbon footprint, be it, taking the public transport, walking or not using too much air-conditioning at home and in the office. 

I am guilty of it - however miniscule it is in the grandest scheme of things - but every little bit does add up. 

Our poor planet is suffering and it is telling us to stop the abuse of our only home we have.

Are we listening ?? 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Still Running

Happy me posing for a selfie 

I'm pleased to report that I still can and will be doing runs of 10K or longer. Although I am months shy of 55 I think that age is a number and as long as I eat healthy I can try to maintain my running standard and pace. Today 26th August 2017 was the first time in a long while that I tried and completed a 10K, so I feel extremely satisfied. I started at the East Coast Park Ski Park and did 2 laps from Ski Park all the way to NSRCC and return back. I started at 10:45 am and finished at approximately 12:10pm in the afternoon. The weather was extremely hot and humid with little shade after 11 am. Just the kind of killer weather only mad dogs, Englishmen and myself would attempt to be out, let alone run 10K. 

My time of 1 hour 24 minutes is nothing to shout about, but as this was my first 10K in a long while, I will use this as a benchmark to improve on my time to reach my target of below 60 minutes per 10K. My immediate goal is to reduce 3 - 4 kg of body fat and attain a weight of about 73kg. I will give myself 3 months to attain that. My running goal would then be to race 1 marathon this year, most probably the Penang International in November.

Work-life balance is all important so I will aim to set aside time every day to exercise, in particular to start running at least 5K every day. No mean feat for a 55 y.o. but when I have a goal set, I aim to reach it.

Seize the Day ! 

Friday, August 25, 2017

No News is Good News

HDB Flat in the West

       We have a good thing going here. Today I drove to the Bukit Gombak estate and had my lunch at the coffeeshop there. Nothing unusual, but I opened my eyes and looked around me. People from all walks of life, some office staff, some students, many elderly and some middle aged people having their lunch and chatting. So what ? 

        It struck me that with all that is happening in the world, we have a good thing going right here in Singapore. Our waters are calm, we are blessed with a deep harbour, surrounded by large archipelago of Thailand, and the large expanse of land called Sumatra. We are in a peaceful region and there is harmony between the neighbours. ASEAN Governments should all be lauded for keeping the South East Asian region peaceful.   

      The walkways are clean, safe, and pothole free. The water management is excellent, the electricity is stable and for the most part, affordable. Many tourists all over the world are amazed at our country's orderliness, citizen's industry and remarkable development. A lot of this is thanks to the first generation of our country's leaders from 1950s till the late 1990s.

     We bitch and complain about everything and anything. Yes, there are valid points. However, if you look and compare Singapore to HK, we would come out better in many aspects - the most important being affordable public housing. My earlier post about the poor in Hong Kong living in abysmal and coffin like apartments subjugates the human being to nothing more than a body enclosed by 4 walls, which become like a furnace during the hot summer months.


Plenty of clean open spaces and void decks at the foot of the blocks

        The town management of the estate which I was in keeps the estate clean. All the food centres and most carparks of the newer housing estates have covered walkways for protection against the heavy rains during the rainy months of Nov - March each year. 

        Yes, there are complaints about the state of the MRT ; why the frequent breakdowns  leaving many commuters late for work and fuming. Costs of car park coupons have gone up a staggering 20%, water by 30% the list goes on.  

        The local economy is sputtering, having had 3 painful years of restructuring, many Singaporeans have lost their jobs to the disruptive world economy, the labour market while tight, is only looking for people with Fintech experience, and so there are a group of people who will have to downgrade and lower their expectations or try their careers in other countries. Uber, Grab and the food distribution service companies (Food Panda, Redmart, Honest Bee etc.) have been the biggest employers in the last 3 years, so its a massive shift in job performance expectations, and its impact has hit us hard.    

          But again, ours is a complaining society and I believe we will need to look beyond these failings and take everything in its proper perspective. On the whole, it is still pretty good living for almost everyone, rich, poor, and of all walks of life. 


Happiness can be ... a bit of many things,events, people. Today it is watching my boyhood team beat Premier League Southampton 2-0 in the Carabao (League Cup)

      There are small victories every single day. Securing orders big and small, managing the team with a fiery and concerted pitch on what to do, focus and the satisfaction of coming out of a bad downturn with each and every month. This is 'fighting in the trenches business Singapore style'. No one is going to pay for my retirement, for my old car's COE extension, for my daily expenses and for my children's education overseas. So many unpredictabilities in this world.

      Some things like the best things in life, are free. Like this period when my boyhood team Wolverhampton Wanderers are playing the best football in years, having won 3 League games and 2 Cup games so far this season. Only one loss last week to Cardiff at home.
I am back to when I was 14 - 16 years old, the romantic notion that life was filled with possibilities and knowing (or not knowing) what the future lies ahead, except that it would all be good.

     Today the feeling is like that ; when I watched the game played by the Wolves against Southampton. Something evoked the past memories of pure unbridled joy ; of watching a team some 3,000 km away in dreary England in the Midlands and enjoying each beautiful pass, great save from the 'keeper and 2 opportunistic goals.

     The manager Santos is a magician ; he has given the team something no one in the last 20 years has ; a fervent hope that Wolves will finally make it to the big Premier League next season. Its a long 10 months away. 

     Who knows ? I just am happy for their win on Wednesday 23rd.  

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Elderly Poor In Hong Kong

         Very insightful programme about the almost 1 million poor people living and working in Hong Kong. They are 'invisible' as they are everywhere going about their business  picking up cardboard boxes for a pittance. Income inequality is very high in one of the highest per capita GDP countries in the world. But that is meaningless number to all of these people. Living in cramped, squalid apartments with no proper ventilation each apartment can be as small as 60 square feet, the 'heros' eke out an existence which is heartbreaking to watch. Still they persevere with the will that tomorrow is going to be a better day.  

       The young councillor in the video is very clear in what he stands for ; he is able to separate or subjugate his personal feelings of compassion and pity for the many old folk living in his district (Sham Tsui Poh) and move on and highlight the greater needs which have to be fulfilled for the entire district. In essence, some needs are greater than others. 

        The ticking 'silver tsumani' is just around the corner, and countries all over the world are grappling with this inevitable tide of retiring or out of work senior citizens with little or no pensions available with the ominous threat of sickness, lack of mobility and purpose in life. They rightfully expect the government to help them, but the issue of pride before practicality of asking for a lifeline is making things very difficult for the social workers to determine whether their needs (not even thinking about wants, or fanciful wishes) are adequately met.

        Saving for a rainy day and old age is a must. But soured investments, business failures and family squabbles and breakups threaten the best laid plans. 


Terrorist Attack in Barcelona ; the world is on high alert

      The senseless attack at the world famous La Rambla in Barcelona last Thursday 17th left me and many people worldwide just numb. No words can describe the pain and suffering endured by the wounded and those families who have lost their loved ones.

      I can only pray that while the perpetrators will ultimately be brought to justice, that somehow somewhere, some sense and sensibilty will remain. Our humanity is at stake ; our values of  good and evil are being taunted and that common sense must and will prevail.

       " Justice must be served, and it must be seen to be served."

Street artist in La Rambla - taken last Dec 2016 

      We are living in dangerous times, no one is immune or should put their heads in the sand. Grieve we must but we all have to pull together to include everyone to move forward. The dirsuptions and uncertainity will always be there, but we must have the courage to overcome, and standup and defeat the 'bad guys' ! 


WUI - Writing under the Influence - Here is my take

 I sure you have heard or seen of the word DUI, that is Driving under the Influence of Alcohol which can be punishable by a stiff fine or ev...