Sunday, August 20, 2017

Terrorist Attack in Barcelona ; the world is on high alert

      The senseless attack at the world famous La Rambla in Barcelona last Thursday 17th left me and many people worldwide just numb. No words can describe the pain and suffering endured by the wounded and those families who have lost their loved ones.

      I can only pray that while the perpetrators will ultimately be brought to justice, that somehow somewhere, some sense and sensibilty will remain. Our humanity is at stake ; our values of  good and evil are being taunted and that common sense must and will prevail.

       " Justice must be served, and it must be seen to be served."

Street artist in La Rambla - taken last Dec 2016 

      We are living in dangerous times, no one is immune or should put their heads in the sand. Grieve we must but we all have to pull together to include everyone to move forward. The dirsuptions and uncertainity will always be there, but we must have the courage to overcome, and standup and defeat the 'bad guys' ! 


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