Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Global Warming ; Doing our part

Ice Shelf Melting at an Unprecedented Rate 

This last weekend saw one of the most catastrophic Category 4 hurricanes ever to hit the USA ever since the 2005 Katrina storm which devastated New Orleans. Houston Texas is right now experiencing the worst of the winds and now the rains of more tnan 50 inches of water dumped over 3 days ! 

The fact that global warming has been with us for the last 100 years or so and escalating at a rapid pace these last 20 years is a dire warning to all countries, especially the industrialised ones that it is real. The trapping of greenhouse gases caused by massive deforestation (most recently Brazil has approved hundreds of thousands of hectares of tropical rainforest for mining puroses), rapid industrialization and general ignorance and apathy of our only home is causing the world to warm up, the ice shelf which has been there for centuries is melting like never before and as a result, the sea levels are rising. The seas on the whole are getting warmer too.

The confluence of factors of warm seas result in greater evaporation and hence more humidity in the air and the massive hurricane which hit Houston this last weekend is a foreboding and frightening sign. Human civilization and development is the root cause of global warming, no two ways about it.

That the US President can go to the 2017 Paris climate summit and threaten to pull out of such a massive agreement amongst all countries in the world is stupidity at the highest level. It is not deal making or taking care of one's country's interests over the entire planet.

We must all do our part, however small to reduce our carbon footprint, be it, taking the public transport, walking or not using too much air-conditioning at home and in the office. 

I am guilty of it - however miniscule it is in the grandest scheme of things - but every little bit does add up. 

Our poor planet is suffering and it is telling us to stop the abuse of our only home we have.

Are we listening ?? 

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