Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Focus focus on the work process - results will follow, with some luck

Flag flying high at Molineux Stadium, Wolverhampton

I am like many of the 99% of the population who only focus on results. Yes, results matter.However in the recent weeks I have had a rude awakening of sorts. Listening to many audio books on investing and managing money, I am shocked that for so long, I had only looked at results as the measurable ends while not really focussing on what matters most, the process.

The process of anything, be it  in your business, your hobby, your life, your relationships is so vital as to how you ought to live. Read, understand and value the fine print of everything. That 96 page purchase contract, the sale and purchase of your car or your house, the work employment contract, the insurance contract, the list goes on and on. It is so vital to every thing in your life, yet many a times you gloss over the fine print and look only at the big picture and putting up the signature on something regarding your life or how your hard earned money is going to be invested or used.  

I am guilty of this recently. I barely follow the recent SEA (South East Asian) games in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and yes, as a proud Singaporean, would look up the medals tally and see where we stood in the region (57 golds as of time of writing 30 August 2017). I have totally overlooked the years and years of sacrifice, the pain, the effort, the sweat the tears and the mental anguish ALL these athletes must go through just to reach that podium finish.

Many end up injured, even more don't make the medals tally (there are 10 finalists and perhaps 20 plus who were knocked out in the heats and semis of the 400 meters for example). The process of these young men and women transforming their lives first from an ordinary runner, to one with some interest, to one who beat the others in school, then at the national sports meet, then regional meets, then SEA games. THAT process is an extremely long, lonely, full of blood sweat and tears and I must add, 99% fail, give up or drop out at their highest potential level. 

To reach the very top of your game, it all starts with a Plan, a bold plan. Followed by Process of clear vision, hard work, risk management, execution of the plan with expectance of perfection, accepting failures as learning exercises, bitter as they impact on the body, mind and resources. Resilience, dedication, and a fired up passion to be the best. In addition, a skin so thick that you need a jackhammer to knock you aside.  

Finally Luck. 

Champions were never made from paper thin egos, lazy and fragile bodies whinging about everything and anything. 

Then the Gold and the Rest should follow. 


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