Thursday, May 1, 2008

Carpe Diem

Seize the Day - epitomises my view on life.

Hi,this is my first blog ever on cyberspace so bear with me. I am 45, married
with 2 boys and am an entrepreneur in the Environmental Simulation equipment
distribution and services industry in Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand and China.
My company QRA International is 5 years old and is achieving approximately
S$ 3 million in annual revenues with 8 staff.

My hobbies include,Marathon Running (Have completed 4 full marathons till
today), Karate (Shitoryu Ken Shin Kai Club at Tanglin CC for the past 6 years)
and Skiing (Korea,Daemyung Resort and Vivaldi Resort).

My objective in Life is to Live it to the fullest of my abilities,and thank God
every day for the richness and experiences I have had.

I am objective centric and feel very satisfied with what I have achieved in the
last 8 years,having taken stock and critically assessed where I was and what I
intended to do from then on.

My personal goals for the next 3 years would be :

1. Make QRA International to achieve S$ 10 Million in revenue - to date still far from it ! 

2. Obtain a Pilots License  - to date no sound ! 

3. Run 10 marathons and start a Marathon Tours Company  (In 2017 a review I have 
    done and achieved that milestone !! Yay)

4. Maintain my physical fitness through Sport Karate (Shitoryu) (In 2019, I have 
    kept it going as a fine hobby ; now am a certified 3rd Dan Black Belt.) 

Friends, everyone has gifts and talents which are God given, make use
of them, Sieze the Day and make it meaningful to you and the ones around you.

Don't waste time on the vices,or watching EPL Champions League, and
compulsory pubbing. Other people are living their dreams with you as the
viewer and making them rich with your Cable Subscripton.

Take Ownership of your Life and Sieze the Day !

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