Saturday, May 31, 2008

School Holidays are Here, time to Hit the Books !

This is Andrew, my second son.He is 11 this year and has a charming disposition and very playful. As this is the holidays one would think that he would be out having fun every day ? No,in fact he is having tuition every 2 days and
Call me a Kiasu Parent (Scared to Lose) but I believe in the old Idiom "An idle mind is always Mischievious". Look at my
young days as a kid.

I cast back my memory and one phrase comes to mind "Care Free !" In the 'old days' in the Primary School, we had
no fear of exams,very little homework and plenty of time flying and fighting kites ,plucking rambutans,chikus,catching
spiders and the things we did to irritate our "Por Por" or Grandma like put sneezing powder in her favourite cup. You
can bet I was an Indian Chief with my Gang and was caned for all kinds of chaos created. I can see alot of myself in
Andrew, so the saying "like Father like Son" is very apt. Those days are long gone and Singapore we know is also
alot more global and fast moving.

Back to the present,we live in Globalised World like it or not so we have to compete and our children have to
compete even harder for hard to come by jobs if we want to have "the good life" and "the better retirement".
So he has to do homework during the school holidays but also has time to go out and have short break
visits plus getting invitations to several birthday parties and play his Maplestory game.

Andrew is very fortunate that he has visited 6 countries and has travelled every year since
he was 1 year old. He has learnt to snow board at 10 and has visited Beijing this March, one place I have
not even visited.So all in all, this is the normal Kid's life. Study, Fun, Travel interspersed with lots of
Maple Story Games.

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