Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Marathon in the Arctic Anyone ?

Anyone game enough to run an Adveture Marathon ? I am a little bored with the Singapore Marathon, and not wanting to sound egotistical but if you are fit and want to see the world,why not try some runs overseas ? Frankly,my first marathon was the Penang Bridge International Marathon in 2003, and it was a good "beginners" marathon as any.The start time is 4 am and the number of participants (at that time) numbered no more than 1000 marathoners,and 5,000 total runners.Compare that
with the Standard CharteredSingapore Marathon with 14,000 full marathoners and almost 40,000 runners over many distances and you get the idea. Its ideal if you don't want all the "rah-rah" and fanfare that is the Singapore
Marathon. Penang Marathon is more down to earth and you run over the span of the bridge 2 times (thats 27km
both ways). Lapping waters and cool breezes are your bonuses and only a few spectators.

I have always wanted to run but at the same time sight-see so what better than Adventure Marathons ?? This website
arranges tours to 4 of the most exotic marathons :

a) Great Wall Marathon (Beijing,China)
b) Artic Polar Marathon (near North Pole)
c) Big 5 Marathon (Africa)
d) Tibet Marathon

Check out their website at www.adventure-marathon.com

OK,for a reality check, why not start with Singapore and then try one or two around the region ? There is the
Phuket and Penang Marathons in June,Gold Coast Marathon in July (6th) and many others.

I'm game for a short "break" overseas plus a nice souvenir (medal).Most of all the experience would be
the greatest gift one can have. You will need about 5 days away,although all marathons start on Sunday
so its only about 3 - 4 days leave.

My running schedule this year - from May '08 till ......
I will be running 3 - 4 times a week in the mornings at 5.45 am for a duration of about 1 hour to
1 and 1/2 hours to build up my distance. Start Location : Nassim Road junction (facing Botanic Gardens).

Days :1,3,5 and 6.

Anyone free to join me ? Drop me a comment or email me.

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