Friday, May 16, 2008

China Sichuan Province Earthquake - What it Tells Me

The heart wrenching pictures from the Net and newspapers tell the painful story and reminds me that once again that life is fleeting and we must not fritter our lives away making excessive money at the expense of our relationships with our loved ones,friends,family and neighbours.It could be all over in an instant, so no-one is
going to say "I should have closed more orders from Motorola" or "Why did ____ only
score 52 for maths mid year exam ?" Blank - name of your son or daughter.

The children in the pictures could very well look like your nieces,nephews,sons and daughters and Premier Wen Jia Bao as the kindly uncle trying to give them some
hope in a bad,no terrible situation.They may be orphans who have lost their families and all around them.How does one make any sense out of all this ? I can only
pray for their inner peace and solitude.

" When we have no more tears to cry,
When we have no way to answer why,
Our time of reckoning will come,one day
When we will make those ____tards pay
Have hope,my friend,I pray
Sieze the day,Sieze the day "

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