Monday, May 12, 2008

Thoughts over Coffee- Myanmar

Its Monday 12th May, and as I have my morning coffee at my club,I feel very fortunate that I don't have to report to a "desk" or "clock-in" as I can manage from outside the office. My thoughts,and sympathies go to the people of Myanmar, which has been ravaged by Cyclone Nargis and has claimed 100,000 lives.The feeling of being so helpess even though I am going to donate some hard-earned money cannot go away. In this society of instant gratification and reality TV,nothing is so hypocritical as for us Singaporeans as to watch and do nothing.The poor people of Myanmar have had so much suffering and now this ??

Many organisations and relief groups have sent supplies but the Myanmar authorities have been very slow to authorise visas giving the signal that "we want help and money but we'll handle this ourselves thank you". This is leading to needless time wasting and countless deaths through lack of organised emergency health care and doctors,specialists and emergency operations crew CAN make a major difference.

Can't ASEAN as a collective group influence the military junta and at least appear to coordinate something rather than keep silent on this major catastrophe ? It shows just how fragile ASEAN is as a societal grouping,as it is fundamental that humans have the access to basic food and water AND medicine.

Just my thoughts this May Monday.

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