Saturday, May 31, 2008

School Holidays are Here, time to Hit the Books !

This is Andrew, my second son.He is 11 this year and has a charming disposition and very playful. As this is the holidays one would think that he would be out having fun every day ? No,in fact he is having tuition every 2 days and
Call me a Kiasu Parent (Scared to Lose) but I believe in the old Idiom "An idle mind is always Mischievious". Look at my
young days as a kid.

I cast back my memory and one phrase comes to mind "Care Free !" In the 'old days' in the Primary School, we had
no fear of exams,very little homework and plenty of time flying and fighting kites ,plucking rambutans,chikus,catching
spiders and the things we did to irritate our "Por Por" or Grandma like put sneezing powder in her favourite cup. You
can bet I was an Indian Chief with my Gang and was caned for all kinds of chaos created. I can see alot of myself in
Andrew, so the saying "like Father like Son" is very apt. Those days are long gone and Singapore we know is also
alot more global and fast moving.

Back to the present,we live in Globalised World like it or not so we have to compete and our children have to
compete even harder for hard to come by jobs if we want to have "the good life" and "the better retirement".
So he has to do homework during the school holidays but also has time to go out and have short break
visits plus getting invitations to several birthday parties and play his Maplestory game.

Andrew is very fortunate that he has visited 6 countries and has travelled every year since
he was 1 year old. He has learnt to snow board at 10 and has visited Beijing this March, one place I have
not even visited.So all in all, this is the normal Kid's life. Study, Fun, Travel interspersed with lots of
Maple Story Games.

Penang 2008 ; the Next Singapore or City with No Buzz ?

I finished a short trip to Penang on business, the last time I was there was in July 2007,for some technical training.
My impressions after about 1 year away,although I used to visit Penang every month on so in the past, is that the pace
of development has picked up tremendously as far as private property (there are condos and landed bungalows,semi-ds
and terraces aplenty with fanciful names like Hillcrest Residences and the Mayfair) and price psf of RM 300 psf to
RM 500 psf are expensive by Malaysian standards. However I feel these are artificially set high by the developers
and speculators and not reflective of any major immigration patterns of foreigners or new PRs coming to
live in Penang.

Penang is now managed by the opposition Gerakan party and the island has lot alot of its laid back charm,
compared with even 10 to 15 years ago.Where there was just kms of open beachfront and quaint hawker centres
near the beach,now there are many condos lining chock-a block along Gurney drive all the way to Ferringhi beach. Businesswise, in my very small microsegment outlook of the Reliability and Test Equipment market, it is very quiet,
and our reps have not sold anything for 1 and a half years.Manufacturing has been going downhill what with the lure of cheaper labour overseas (read India, China and Vietnam) and tourism dollar in my opinion is slowing (my Malaysian airways flight was not even half-full) and this being the school holidays in Singapore, many people are going to cheaper and
more value fo money locations like Bangkok,Ho Chinh Minh or even Hong Kong for cheaper tickets. I paid S$430
for a rountrip economy class and that is expensive for a 'shortbreak' holiday.

So if tourism is slowing,manufacturing is slowing, a change in the State Government what's up on the
horizon for Penang ? Nothing Much is what I figure. A lot of new buildings with No Buzz.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Page from the Past 1 - Inter-Varsity Debates '86

This is a Page from the Past ; In 1986, I was the 1st speaker
in the (then) Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) Debating team which
reached the finals of the Inter-Varsity Debates.Along the way we beat,
the National Institute of Education (NIE) team (quarter-finals) and
the National University of Singapore (NUS) Team 1 in the semis.
We took on the NUS Team 2 in the Finals (televised on TCS Channel 12)
in front of 200 supporters in the studio and the camera crew.

We won everything EXCEPT the overall team title ;
Best Speaker of Series : Jaspal Singh, Best Speaker of Evening : Philip Lim.
It was a feat in those days as the NTI then was not yet a full fledged
university and had only the Engineering faculty (our degrees were conferred by NUS) and NTI was only 4 years old then.

The NUS teams had law undergraduates in their teams and eloquent speakers from a cohort of over 14,000.We on the other hand had less than 2,000 undergraduates and only from the Engineering faculty.I am glad I had a small hand in putting NTI then "on the map" of Singapore's education landscape.

Our team : Me (1st),Richard Pereria (2nd),Philip Lim (4th),Sukhdeep(Res)and Jaspal Singh(3rd).

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Singapore - Small Country with Big Heart

I am proud that Singapore being a small country can contribute to the relief efforts of the Sichaun earthquake in China.We are only 1 of 4 countries that has been offered Search and Rescue Teams and our Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (DART) had arrived in Chengdu on Friday 16th to begin work.Formed in 1990,they have been active in recent years in the Kashmir earthquake in 2005,the Tsunami in 2004 and now this.
Money can be pledged and donated,that China has plenty of it (over USD 1 trillion in foreign reserves) but DART has
the specialised expertise and equipment in disaster search and rescue as well as extricating survivors and victims.They
are also risking their lives to help others.
Singapore may be small but we have a big heart.

Friday, May 16, 2008

China Sichuan Province Earthquake - What it Tells Me

The heart wrenching pictures from the Net and newspapers tell the painful story and reminds me that once again that life is fleeting and we must not fritter our lives away making excessive money at the expense of our relationships with our loved ones,friends,family and neighbours.It could be all over in an instant, so no-one is
going to say "I should have closed more orders from Motorola" or "Why did ____ only
score 52 for maths mid year exam ?" Blank - name of your son or daughter.

The children in the pictures could very well look like your nieces,nephews,sons and daughters and Premier Wen Jia Bao as the kindly uncle trying to give them some
hope in a bad,no terrible situation.They may be orphans who have lost their families and all around them.How does one make any sense out of all this ? I can only
pray for their inner peace and solitude.

" When we have no more tears to cry,
When we have no way to answer why,
Our time of reckoning will come,one day
When we will make those ____tards pay
Have hope,my friend,I pray
Sieze the day,Sieze the day "

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And Now for the Good News - 6 months till Ski Season !!

This past week, we have had the double whammy of natural disasters,the Nargis Cyclone in Myanmar (4th May)and
2 days ago the Earthquake in Szechuan, China (12th May).Rather than focus on the imminent since that's what papers are
for,I thought I would write about something totally irrelavant.

Its only 6 months till the next Ski Season ! Last year (9 - 15 Dec) we went to the Vivaldi Park Ski Resort in Daemyung
Chuncheon,South Korea. Organised inexpensively by YMCA it is a ski camp for beginner and intermediate skiiers.The
photo shows the Intermediate slope and we stayed at the resort for 4 nights on a quad (4) or quin (5) sharing basis.

The experience is great especially for all of us from the boys (13 and 10) who took up the Snowboarding and
managed to slither down the wide gentle slopes easily by the 3rd day. My wife and I took the ski classes ably trained
by Andy,our ski instructor who is an undergrad training to be an anaesthesist. As I had a prior taste in 2006, I was
very keen to improve my skiing and have my karate and running experience to thank for my quick progress in this new
sport. We plan to go to Hokkaido Japan this December 2008.

The ski experience ? It is the overall coordination utilising hands,legs (particularly the knees),balance,eyes and
back to navigate the slopes and avoid all manner of obstacles like fallen skiers, snowboarders,bumps and slippery
snow and requiring to appear graceful and not fall flat on your face or tumble down the slope.It is definately
NOT for the couch potato as some level of fitness and balance is absolutely necessary.

This year is the Blue or (maybe?) Black Diamonds at Hokkaido for us !! Ceong ah !

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thoughts over Coffee- Myanmar

Its Monday 12th May, and as I have my morning coffee at my club,I feel very fortunate that I don't have to report to a "desk" or "clock-in" as I can manage from outside the office. My thoughts,and sympathies go to the people of Myanmar, which has been ravaged by Cyclone Nargis and has claimed 100,000 lives.The feeling of being so helpess even though I am going to donate some hard-earned money cannot go away. In this society of instant gratification and reality TV,nothing is so hypocritical as for us Singaporeans as to watch and do nothing.The poor people of Myanmar have had so much suffering and now this ??

Many organisations and relief groups have sent supplies but the Myanmar authorities have been very slow to authorise visas giving the signal that "we want help and money but we'll handle this ourselves thank you". This is leading to needless time wasting and countless deaths through lack of organised emergency health care and doctors,specialists and emergency operations crew CAN make a major difference.

Can't ASEAN as a collective group influence the military junta and at least appear to coordinate something rather than keep silent on this major catastrophe ? It shows just how fragile ASEAN is as a societal grouping,as it is fundamental that humans have the access to basic food and water AND medicine.

Just my thoughts this May Monday.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Winter in Lithuania

A friend of mine, Virginius, whose business is representing the same German products as my company in Lithuania sent me these photos of last year's (2007) winter of trees in his neighbourhood.It was a winter's day in March and the first rays of sunlight came out. He snapped the frost on the branches before they melted.
Cool !!

Marathon in the Arctic Anyone ?

Anyone game enough to run an Adveture Marathon ? I am a little bored with the Singapore Marathon, and not wanting to sound egotistical but if you are fit and want to see the world,why not try some runs overseas ? Frankly,my first marathon was the Penang Bridge International Marathon in 2003, and it was a good "beginners" marathon as any.The start time is 4 am and the number of participants (at that time) numbered no more than 1000 marathoners,and 5,000 total runners.Compare that
with the Standard CharteredSingapore Marathon with 14,000 full marathoners and almost 40,000 runners over many distances and you get the idea. Its ideal if you don't want all the "rah-rah" and fanfare that is the Singapore
Marathon. Penang Marathon is more down to earth and you run over the span of the bridge 2 times (thats 27km
both ways). Lapping waters and cool breezes are your bonuses and only a few spectators.

I have always wanted to run but at the same time sight-see so what better than Adventure Marathons ?? This website
arranges tours to 4 of the most exotic marathons :

a) Great Wall Marathon (Beijing,China)
b) Artic Polar Marathon (near North Pole)
c) Big 5 Marathon (Africa)
d) Tibet Marathon

Check out their website at

OK,for a reality check, why not start with Singapore and then try one or two around the region ? There is the
Phuket and Penang Marathons in June,Gold Coast Marathon in July (6th) and many others.

I'm game for a short "break" overseas plus a nice souvenir (medal).Most of all the experience would be
the greatest gift one can have. You will need about 5 days away,although all marathons start on Sunday
so its only about 3 - 4 days leave.

My running schedule this year - from May '08 till ......
I will be running 3 - 4 times a week in the mornings at 5.45 am for a duration of about 1 hour to
1 and 1/2 hours to build up my distance. Start Location : Nassim Road junction (facing Botanic Gardens).

Days :1,3,5 and 6.

Anyone free to join me ? Drop me a comment or email me.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

ASICS Kayanos - Best Shoe in the World ?

Runners World (Dec 07 edition) has announced that the ASICS Gel Nimbus 9
to be the RW International Editor's choice Award from the worldwide wear testers
and after going through the RW Shoe Lab.High praise from the foremost running
magazine for distance runners in the world.

For me, my Best in the World Shoe is the ASICS Kayano ; I have now used 8 pairs since
2002 and having used various models,from Reebok Pump, ASICS 2110, New Balance 1223,
the Kayano is the shoe for me.

Named after the Japanese shoe designer,this motion control shoe is retailing for
S$ 196 (US$ 150) at most of the shoe shops in Queensway. It dosen't look pretty but
using the IGS (Impact Gel System) with reinforced mid-sole cushioning using their
patented Gel, this shoe is able to give me great cushioning on the forefoot as well
as the heel, 2 areas which plague many long distance runners.

Having the right "equipment" such as the shoes,running gear,sunglasses,
hydration belt will improve your time but more importantly, drinking enough,
body conditioning, proper nutrition and TRAINING are the key factors to
getting a good time for your run.

Karate as Sport

In the modern context,Martial Arts are considered as one of the myriad of many sports options available to us.For my own fitness strategy, I decided on Karate Shitoryu style for 2 basic reasons :

1. To provide a flexibility regimen to my running which is normally leaves me stiff after a 10km run
2. To finish a goal which I promised myself when young to attain a Black Belt in Karate

I first took up Karate during my teens from 1973 - 1978 at the YMCA Palmer Road (SKF), under the tutelage
of a Mr. Steven, and were trained at the open basketball court and covered court.I stopped during my
Junior College days after achieveing a Full Brown at Junior level having failed to attain the Black Belt
during the grading then. It bothered me that I had left something unfinished.

I have been training under Sensei Chia Kwek Fah of Ken Shin Kai Club for the last 6 years at Tanglin
Community Club off Whitley Road. Having attained my Black Belt 1st Dan status in January 2007,I am
now enjoying the 1x a week trainings as part of my fitness program as well as the camaderie and
social oportunities from meeting with people from all walks of life.

Sensei Chia is a multi-talented man. He is 7th Dan, a Certified Trainer and Sports Psychologist as
well as the past Team Manager for Karate for Team Singapore in the 2005 SEA Games.

Karate has many aspects to it :
1. The focus on fitness, discipline,concentration and robustness when performing poses.
2. The aggression and quick mindedness during kumite or free sparring
3. The concentration and control using inner strength and crispness of execution during kata or form

All in all, it is a never ending pursuit of the ultimate combination of strength,flexibilty,quick
mindedness and balance to ward off potential attacks from agressors and counter the attacks
with equal force.

The Katas I learnt are the equivalent of the dance steps of the Foxtrot or the Waltz.

It is the manifestation and display of Human Creativity - a dynamic Art with the aim of
Self Defence.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Running - Thoughts at 35 km Nassim Road Singapore

A funny thing happened to me at the 35 km mark of my 36 km run
several Sundays ago.Yes,this happened and I thought there would be
some people "out there" who have similar experiences and can share
your views.

I am out running at 5.15am at Nassim Road,alternating with Dalvey Road,White
House Lane and Dalvey Estate Road,readying for my upcoming marathon. I have been
training for the past 6 months with my route all mapped out,as this was the
last "serious" training before the upcoming marathon. My planned route was to
take me for 3 circuits of Dalvey-Dalvey Estate- White House Lane (5km long each)
and 5 circuits of Nassim (4 km long each) through the picturescue part of
Singapore. I love the wide dual carriageway roads and the huge trees plus
massive bungalows and the High Commissions of Russia,Japan,Philippines
with their wide frontage.Can't find anything similar to this in Singapore
with the exception of perhaps Namly area in Upper Bukit Timah.

I am armed with my Gatorade bottles (hidden at strategic sports every
5km or so),Power Gels,and had my Running Belt on to simulate the Real Run
ie. the weight of the water which I was going to carry with me during
my marathon.

Things were going smoothly,and I managed the first 18km in about
2 hours or 9km per hour.Definately not my marathon pace what with no
cheerleaders,other runners and supporters to give me that extra 'push'.
Nonetheless,I was in a state of "no-mindedness" (from Bruce Lee's
Jeet Koon Do) and sleep-running is well and good,because you shut out
all pain and boredom.I was using my "hot-stretching "technique which
is stretching every 5 km or so to prevent cramps ro so I thought.

At the 23 km mark,I felt a tightening in my left thigh,"Oh,Oh!"
my left leg was not lifting much and I could feel the effort.Not good,
but I carried on. "Its way too early to cramp out", and reminded myself
to drink those Gatorades the night before to stock up on the sodium.

At the 28km mark, I popped in my 2nd Power Gel (first was at the
18 km mark) and was just trying to keep going.I had the 4 hr 30 minute
timing in sight.The leg did not feel too good but I kept pushing myself
'Come,on man, Just 2 more Rounds" and kept going.

Its about 8.15am, on a bright Sunday morning,here I am the crazy
guy who's been up 3 hours ago punishing himself,sweat himself buckets,
dried out and sweated again and its going to be lovely day. My leg
was stiff and hurting every few strides as I hobble past the big
houses with the maids washing their Boss's cars, or walking the dog
and some other like-minded mad people like me.

At the 32km mark,I was hit like a bolt from the sky,"Why ??",
the "Why ??" imponderable question every runner asks. Another common
phrase is called "Hitting the Wall" where you are questioning
everything everything from your sanity,your place in the World,
your faith,your very existence.

" I doing this stupid thing and punishing myself ?"
"The real thing is only 1 week away,why torture yourself,
your'e a a dumb ass to be doing this ! You could be
waking up slowly and having a lovely bacon sandwich by the

(C'mon admit it, we have all been there before !!)

Anyway, I couldn't answer the "Why" question,neither could
I figure out the Meaning of Life so I decided to rant and rave
at every father,mother,son who had done me wrong (rightly or not)
in the last 5 years of my life.So there I was cursing
and swearing at 8.15 am on a lovely Sunday morning at :

- The gutless ex-Sales Manager who refused to join me and
opt for the easy way out when I left my previous company and
started QRA all alone.

- My ex-partner who basically was a pain in the ass

- My ex-running partner who often overslept and made me run
all alone at times. He is now a successful musician/actor/
IT specialist Brisbane Australia.Good for you Suresh !

It was really funny when you look at it.A cleansing of sorts !

So, at 35km mark, I am smiling and trying to make my mind
wander and dull out the pain,fatigue,sweaty discomfort and there
is this bunch of runners, in the opposite direction, happily running
and waving to me.

There I was,running on empty,alternating on testosterone,
spewing my bile,cursing and what else.

Finally, at the last 500 m, I can see the end, I am yelling
in my head as I reach the end point.

"To hell with it !, Nothing of this here matters,This is My Marathon,
My Pain and my Victory !"


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Carpe Diem

Seize the Day - epitomises my view on life.

Hi,this is my first blog ever on cyberspace so bear with me. I am 45, married
with 2 boys and am an entrepreneur in the Environmental Simulation equipment
distribution and services industry in Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand and China.
My company QRA International is 5 years old and is achieving approximately
S$ 3 million in annual revenues with 8 staff.

My hobbies include,Marathon Running (Have completed 4 full marathons till
today), Karate (Shitoryu Ken Shin Kai Club at Tanglin CC for the past 6 years)
and Skiing (Korea,Daemyung Resort and Vivaldi Resort).

My objective in Life is to Live it to the fullest of my abilities,and thank God
every day for the richness and experiences I have had.

I am objective centric and feel very satisfied with what I have achieved in the
last 8 years,having taken stock and critically assessed where I was and what I
intended to do from then on.

My personal goals for the next 3 years would be :

1. Make QRA International to achieve S$ 10 Million in revenue - to date still far from it ! 

2. Obtain a Pilots License  - to date no sound ! 

3. Run 10 marathons and start a Marathon Tours Company  (In 2017 a review I have 
    done and achieved that milestone !! Yay)

4. Maintain my physical fitness through Sport Karate (Shitoryu) (In 2019, I have 
    kept it going as a fine hobby ; now am a certified 3rd Dan Black Belt.) 

Friends, everyone has gifts and talents which are God given, make use
of them, Sieze the Day and make it meaningful to you and the ones around you.

Don't waste time on the vices,or watching EPL Champions League, and
compulsory pubbing. Other people are living their dreams with you as the
viewer and making them rich with your Cable Subscripton.

Take Ownership of your Life and Sieze the Day !

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...