My father, Geoffrey Abisheganaden, will turn 89 years old on 23rd November. He is to me and my brother John,a kind,humble man who epitomised all the values of a Christian servant of God. A lawyer by training,he studied at the Gray's Inn College in London and was the the same cohort as the Minister Mentor, Lee Kuan Yew and former Deputy Prime Minister the late S. Rajaratnam.
When he graduated, he was the legal assistant to Mr. David Marshall, the Chief Minister of Singapore in the late 50s.They had many successes in court and he was always coming home to our house at 6 Adis Road in the 60's and early 70's with tales of his courtroom successes,whenever David Marshall managed to get his client acquitted or on reduced charges. He helped quite a number of neighbours and people who couldn't afford legal fees, (pro bono) and never looked down on the uneducated or poorer citizens.
He was the past President of the NUS Guild House, as well as past Chairman of the St Andrew's School Board of Governors, he has sat in many other Boards ranging from the Bible House,the Synod, Singapore Swimming Club as well as the St Andrew's Junior College.
He helped my Undergraduate NTI debating team tremendously as an advisor in the mid 80's by providing mature and logical viewpoints as well as oratorical tips in public speaking. My Army buddies from '82-83 remember vividly when he would drive 4 to 5 of us back to camp in Sungei Gedong in Lim Chu Kang every Sunday night to 'book in' to our army camp of 46th Singapore Armoured Regiment. He never complained of the long 45 minute drive from Goldhill Avenue to Lim Chu Kang road, taking the dark and then winding road and dropping us off and driving back home.
His Law practice, Abisheganaden and Company, was disbanded and handed over to younger partners and although he is a Notary Public, he is still active. His health of late is stable but he is weak in the legs,but his mind is still sharp, reading as many as 3 - 4 books each week.
A good father, loving husband and an Uncommon Man of Character,my Papa.
Happy 89th Birthday on 23rd November.
what a passionate story.i loved it.happy birthday to ur 89 year old papa :-):-):-):-)
Mark booyaka is a friend of noel u notice a increase in comments that because one of noel friend is fooling with u
Thanks for the note; post your comments as long as they are logical and with facts.
Wow. I am amazed that your 89 year old papa is such a great person. He is so unlike noel who is so naughty. Help me wish him a happy birthday
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