Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Office in 2012

This is the view of the water feature outside the Xilinx Building, in Changi South Avenue 2. It resembles something like
Silicon Valley in California. As I remarked to Johnson,my colleague, it is good to set a goal in the near future
for all in the company to achieve so :

Objective : To have an Office located in Changi South Avenue 2

Date of Achievement : by 2012 - in 4 years (before I turn 50).

Watch this Blog for further updates !!


Kannan said...

Hi Mark,

4 years is too long :-),why not target in 2 years time to shift to the new office than by the age of 50 you can have lady PA working for you.hehe :-)

Seize the Day said...

1. OK, everyone in QRA double up your Sales numbers !!
2. Why have a lady PA when you can visit Paula Malai for teh-tarik, she will be my neighbour !

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