Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thoughts on Cooking from a Novice Chef

I am a novice cook and these few months I have been given the opportunity to cook breakfast for my family,so I bought this book "Healthy Appetite" by Gordon Ramsay (who else). For those who are not familiar, Gordon Ramsay is the foul mouthed chef who has several Michelin star restaurants in London and other parts of the world. He has his own cooking show,on AFC or Asian Food Channel and my wife, May is a fan.

Cooking is very much an art with scientific techniques applied, and you have to be on your toes, all the time in the kitchen.
The chef is like the "Commander in Chief" and he has control over everything when he creates his dishes. The mind must be thinking of what to do next, for how long, apply what, pace the stir fry or steaming, when to turn over the food, fire level,
seasoning, tasting and a whole host of other parameters. I am a beginner or a Novice so these are my initial thoughts on cooking.

Tasting the food at the beginning and before it is finally served is a must, as is the Presentation of the food.

The result ? When your guets or your family tuck in and the expression on their faces is the reward. It can be
priceless. Try cooking, get in touch with your creative side.


Crow said...

hi Mark...remember me i`m Risha the oramge belt from Ken shin kai karate do...its nice to hear u made it to blackbelt...keep in touch btw i`m a fan club member of Albirex niigata..its been 4 years already...

Seize the Day said...

Hi Risha,
Good to hear from you,yes I remember you and the other Mark were friends in the KSK dojo. Yes,lets keep in touch.

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