Friday, November 21, 2008

A Night on the Town - Heritage

Wednesday night, I had visitors from Germany and Malaysia, so after dinner, we headed for Duxton Road to sample some of Singapore's nightlife. Tucked away somewhere at the centre of Duxton Road, is this little nightspot, JJ Atlante which features, Heritage, Singapore's PREMIER rock and blues band. I was taken aback that this band has been around for 37 years and the original band members are still around and doing great gigs.The average age is in the mid 50s for at least 3 of the members.

Heritage Band is fronted by leader Atwell Jansen (with the skull cap) and is typically a 4 piece band. Showtime starts at 10.45pm (quite late for early risers like me) and there are 'guests officers' with foreign accents for those so inclined. They played hits from the 60s and 70s from Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Led Zepplin and Bad Company. (Roland Take Note !!)

For my money, 3 draft mugs at S$ 26 dollars and to watch one of the BEST bands in Singapore is a GREAT Singapore DEAL.


roland teo said...

Hey, Heritage is probably one of the first rock bands in Singapore. Wonder if you heard of the other one "sweet charity"

Seize the Day said...

They do sound familiar, where do they play ? We MUST arrange a night out with our friends to see these groups before they move on.

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