Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thailand Tiger Zoo

Located in the province of Chonburi Thailand, there is this lovely little zoo called Tiger Zoo and I had the good opportnunity to visit it last year, this photo is my momento of me and some distant 'cousins' and I am in my long sleeve and silk tie. I wonder why people call this dressing the 'monkey suit' when the monkeys are all dressed up in T-shirts ??

There are several 'social experiments' which amaze people, fully grown female
tigers suckling pigs in the same cage. Fully grown sows (female pigs) suckling tiger cubs and I also got the chance to feed a tiger cub milk. At three months it is already weighing almost 20 kgs !

My staff will get the oportunity to view the REAL Tiger Show from Thailand soon as we have a major project in the Eastern Seaboard in the South East Thailand in January 2009.

Visit the website for the attractions.

1 comment:

Crow said...

i enjoy all ur interesting blog entries Mark!! keep it up

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