Saturday, November 22, 2008

SKI - Sure Kena Injured

The title is just to grab attention. One of the most exhilarating sport one can participate in while he or she is still fit and active is to be able to ski. My family and I have gone for ski holidays for 2 straight years and I am frankly hooked. There are many affordable ski packages to places like Korea and China and they have excellent resort facilities as well as top end ski instructors and equipment for rental. I can't afford the Swiss Alps experience yet but would LOVE to try the Jungfrau mountains (Swiss - German) at least ONCE IN MY LIFE.

One of the downsides, is that one has to be a) fit and have some stamina and have b) strong bones. It is not recommended for people above 55 years old unless they happen to be sportsmen who have been very active all their lives. The strong bones and coordination part is ESSENTIAL because there will be times when you will fall (how do you learn then ?) or when you have the misfortune of bumping or someone bumping into you and then it is a mad rush to a) stay on your feet and stay balanced and b) avoid hitting ski-lift poles or even out of bound barriers. Every year, hundreds of skiers do get injured or even killed, due to many reasons, so its not a sport for the desk-bound person.

Personally, it is a great sport with its fair share of thrills and spills as part of it. I can't wait to hit the slopes soon !

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