Monday, April 30, 2018

1984 - BBC Made for TV Movie

        I watched the movie 1984 last night ; Created based on the novel by George Orwell, it was torturous to watch, not least with the constant booming noises from the Oval watch screen and the continuous references to "Thought Police" and control of every facet of human life.

        There were some people who framed Singapore as being a version of "1984" ; honestly they can't be further from the truth. There is variety of thought here, you can protest and state your contrarian views without fear of being followed or investigated. Every body has access to a free and a fair trial if he has committed a crime.  People are generally happy,practically everyone save for a few poor souls can live in their own purchased Government flats or rent one. We have a lot of economical food at very decent prices at the hawker centres for about US$ 3 per meal, let alone the the mid range to fine dining restaurants. Transport is seamless and quite inexpensive, with the MRT (OK its got its share of problems of late), bus and LRT providing access to all housing estates.

       There are covered walkways in the newer housing estates from the bus stop to the point block in the Housing Development Board estate where I frequent. Another 50 m away is the food centre selling all kinds or food catering to most ethnicities for no more than US$ 4 per plate of food. Most times it is US$ 3.00 maximum with a kopi or tea for US$ 0.70.No way you can buy a nutritious meal of 1 meat, 1 veg and 1 tofu in US, Western Europe or Australia for less than US$ 4.00 ! 

     This is coming from a country which has NO natural resources or hinterland except for some egg and chicken farms. No staples like rice paddies, sugar cane, wheat, oil or natural gas.  A highly improbable success story of a country.  

       A haircut at the local barber down the block costs no more than US$ 5. A visit to the local polyclinic (though you may need to wait at least 2 - 3 hours) will set you back maybe US$ 10- 15 for medicines for cough / cold. In addition, there are alot of traditional Chinese medicines shops who will sell you their tried and tested medicines for heatiness, insomnia, piles, herpes, incontinence, diahrrea and constipation for at most US$ 20.     

       Medicines are subsidised for the old, medical and hospital care is excellent and there are heart defribrillators in every community centre ,Government and MRT stations.  

       Crime is very low, so is the drugs scene, thanks to a very harsh and firm no drugs stance. Our roads are 'A' class compared to many in the West, and our corporate and personal income taxes are amongst the lowest in the world. People have freedom to discuss issues freely, write things like blogs and VLOGs provided they abstain from religious and racial themes.  There is no one, or Big Brother watching your every move and making life stifling. True, there are surveillence cameras in common areas, and along the roads, but so many cities in Europe and US have had far more and much earlier that its not any issue or warrants any surprise from anybody. We do live in post 9 -11 times, if anyone who has been living in Mars all this time.  

         Weather is constantly "summer' all year round, with the only exception around the end of the year, when the rainy season starts. That can be a drag, but it is nothing like the dreary weather of many Northern European countries or even Canada. it is true that we had the tumultous years from the 50s to the mid 80s, where our founding fathers fought against the Communists in society some 50 to 60 odd years ago, however, many countries in the past had or have far worse persecutions, detentions or wars for their 'greater good ' of society.

       The so - called human rights movement in the West was founded on the backs of many who were murdered or killed due to the colour of their skin or the values of the party they supported in the past. The Slave trade from Africa to North and South America, the racial segregation and apartheid were done from the Western powers now upholding the very 'human rights' around the world.   

       It is easy to make fun of Singapore but no country is perfect, let alone the once former great powers now floundering with massive iniquity and festering problems of racial intolerance. There are many who will be willing to trade in their citizenships from Western and Eastern parts of the world to live here.

      Singaporeans may be a complaining bunch, but deep down, we are proud of our Little Red Dot. 

      We should be mature enough to give as well as take criticism if we are to be truly one fine example of a First World country. 

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